Card ordered but never received.


Registered Users (C)
Stamped July 5, 2002
Card Ordered date July 30, 2002 for both me and my spouse
Card received Aug 5, 2002 for me and for my spouse no card yet?
eventhough the card ordered dates are the same for both of us.

I called IIO@VSC yesterday at1:00pm. They said they mailed my wife's card on Aug3, 2002 which is exactly the same date they mailed my card also. But the problem was they mailed my card to our new address and my wife's card to old address. I moved to the new address in Jan, 2002. I told the IIO, how come they send my wife' card to the old addres because we received her 485 approval notice to the new address. She told me that she doesn't know, but for sure she is telling me that they mailed my wife's card to the old address. I asked her what I do need to do now. She asked me to contact the old post office and If I could not get anything form them, she asked my wife to file I90 to get another card. She also told me that if the post office sends back to INS, then the AVM message changes to UNDELIVERBLE and then they can send it to my new address. But till now they did not receive anything back from the post office. She asked me since it is only one month, may be wait for couple of weeks, sometimes the post office takes time to send it back. I went to the old post office, they are telling me that they generally forward all our mail to the new address for one year, so we should have got that card forwarded to the new address. But I told them that we did not get anything. They are telling me that INS might not have mailed on Aug3, 2002. Also since they have our forwarding address, they do not send it back to INS.

I am really confused here. Do you guys think that I should wait for couple of weeks before we go and do the I90. By the way the IIO took the new address.

My guess is that the mail man instead of forwarding (since it is 8 months back we moved), he just kept it in our old mail box and the people who are living now might just have discarded. Any way it is just my guess!

What are all the paper work we need to take when we go for I90. How long generally does it take. Any suggestions are welcome!.

So guys if you changed your address after you file 485, make sure with IIO, that they have your new address.
There are three possiblities.

1) your wife's card was delivered at your old address.

You should contact current residents if they ever receive your mail and do they put "back to sender" note on your mail.

2) The card was forwarded to your new address.

Sometimes forwarding may take upto 3 weeks depending on your past and current addresses.
If it has been more than that then

3) The card may have been routed back to INS.

My suggestion is to better wait and see.
Thanks man!

Thanks longdrive2002 for your opinions!

I thought of going to local INS office this week, but I will wait couple of weeks.

Any other ideas guys!!!!!!!!
Same happened to me

Hi Tirupathi,

The same happened to me. My card was sent to my old address where it was stolen/holede (?) by my x-roommate.
I went ot INS office and told them about their mistake. INS people told me that they sent card to the address which is in their system, it is not their fault (even though they did not update their system with my new address. Now I understood it is our responsibility to make sure that they have our correct info). According to them if their system shows that card is sent out and they have not received it back, they are not at fault.
I filed I-90 form, they requested 2 immigration style pictures and also filled I-89 form (offcer filled it for me, I signed it and gave finger print) and ordered completely new card. I eneded up paying $130 fees. They cancelled my current I-551 stamp in my passport and put a new I-551 stamp in my PP.
And thats it. But I feel relaxed now as my old card is cancelled and no one can misuse it (one attorny told me I did a right thing. He told me if I would have challenged INS, I would have ended up wasting more money and time).
Thanks AjayBhosale

Thanks man for your info.

The only thing that baffles me is, they sent my wife's 485 approval notice to the new address. I never called IIO before about the change of address. The lawyer said that they have sent the change of addres for both me and my wife. I believed him because we got both our approval notices to our new address. Even when we went for stamping, we asked the people over there and they said that they have our new address. Any way when I called II0 couple of days back, I did not argue with her. The conversation went very polite.

I will wait one more week, and then process the I90 for my wife.

By the way did you get your card after u filed I90 and if you did, how long did it take.

Thanks man! and Good Luck!

Hi Tirupathi,

I have not received any card yet. Officer told me minimum 6 months, and If I don't receive my card in 1 year then I have to contact them for further investigation.

Thanks for ur reply

Hey Ajay,

In one of the threads, I read that they did not allow a person to file for I90 since it hase been only 90 days from the stamped date. For him they have sent to the wrong address and it went back to INS as Undeliverable. It seems that when he talked to IIO, they said the card has been destroyed and asked him to file for I90. But when he went to file I90, they asked him to wait for few more days, beacuse it has been only 90 days from the stamped date.

In my case, the stamped date is July5, 2002. So it is less than 90 days. Do you think I can go ahead and file I90 or should I wait.

By the way, if you don't mind, can you please tell me how many days after the stamped date you filed for I90.

Thanks man!!!
My Case is different


I have also seen the postings you are telling about. My case is diffrent :

IIO told me wait for some more days to make sure that my card is not sent back to INS. He was not ready to accept my I-90 form. I told him there is no chance of INS getting back my card. I told him that the card has already been received by somebody who is holding that card and not wiling to give it to me. So he accepted my application and took the info about the person (my x-room mate at my old address) and told me wait for 6 months to 1 Yr.

Normally IIOs don't accept I-90 unless they are sure that your card is lost/stolen/misplaced or never received. In my case it was quite sure that it is stolen by somebody and not received by me.

I don't know if that person is going to face any problem from INS?

Anyway I have crossed my fingures and waiting for new card at my current address.

BTW, I had stamped my passport in 01/02, and again stamped in
09/02 (For new I-90).

Thanks Ajay!

Hey Ajay,

Thanks for the info man!. I will wait for couple of weeks more and see what happens!. I went to the old apartment, no one was there, also talked to the apt complex manager, they are saying that the apartment is vacant now. Don't know really where the card is resting.....

Any way Good Luck Man.
Another Twist

I called IIO today, she says that they have sent my wife's card on Sep14 to the new address. I told her that I talked to an IIO 3 weeks back and she told me that they have sent my wife'card to the old address on Aug3. I asked her whether they received as Undeliverable.

She says, that is not true, I have no record here that says that we have sent the card to your old address on Aug3. She is 100% that they have sent to the new address on Sep14. I told her that I did not receive till now. It has been 13 days from the day they posted Sep14. She tells me if you don't get it in 2 weeks, file I90.

I don't know which one to believe. Guys any ideas!!!!!!!
Hey Guys,

My wife filed I90 last week. We told IIO that we never received the card and want to file I90. He asked me to wait few more weeks, it may come to them as Undeliverable. I said we have been waiting since July 30 (Ordered date), but no signs of card yet and want to file I90. He took 2 photos, $130 and I90 application. He filled the I89 and took the fingerprint. Let us hope that this time we will receive it.