Card needed for applying for re-entry permit?


Registered Users (C)
Does one need to have a physical plastic card in order to apply for a re-entry permit?
I got a stamp on my passport at POE last week, and ofcourse donot have a plastic card yet. I need to leave the country in a few days for work.
Can I apply for re-entry permit just with a stamp on my passport?

regarding re entry permit

You will have to make sure to be in US before the date in the Stamp expires, In case if you dont have the plastic card. Something to think about.
No Title

Does that mean that -
-if somebody doesnot have the plastic card and
-he has NOT applied for re-entry permit and
-he travels back and forth out of the country for work(not staying out at any point for more than a year)
-but ends up being out of the country on the day that the stamp on passport for GC expires

He WILL NOT be allowed entry?
regarding Stamping

I was only trying to suggest you that you need to be in US, so u can take care of re-stamping again with a local INS office. I dont know how it works outside US with regards to stamping.