Cant believe what I heard on AVM !!

Debo this is amazing my friend

Debo, this is amaxing , unbelievable my friend. I feel so happy for you. I sent you my hearty congratulations. I am laughing when i am writing this. Enjoy your freedom Come to the Silicon valley they pay more here :))))))))

No Title

Congrats Debo.
That\'s a fantastic news. Atlast you are free. It is indeed a great news especially with the present economic scenario.
Congrats once again. Best Wishes.
I want to send private message to you....

Looks like everybody is sending private message to you?

How can I send private message to you ??? please tell me.

Hi from Pachai


I am still waiting for my approval

have rd of 10/2000 and i did FP twice

once in 04/14/2001
once on 08/11/2001

the problem was I missed my original FP which was slated to happen
on the first week of feb-2001 and unfortunately i was out of country

IF I had completed my FP as per schedule, perhaps I would have got
PP stamped long time ago.

CIBA told me in one of his e-mails to me, once FP notice is sent, the case would be automatically assigned to an officer, since i didn\'t do my FP on time, could it be possible for the IIO to misplace my file or re-assign at a very later date?

and am still waiting.. suggest me some quick ways to get my approval.

I called IIO several times to find out the status, they were of
not much help me to anyways... Please suggest me some ways to tackle
the situation.

It\'s totally frustrating...

Thanks in advance for your suggestions....

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Congrats Debo...Hope you hang on for a while on the board. Wish you all the best.
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Hey debo, please accept my belated congratulations. I was too
tired and went to bed early last night after posting Tuesday\'s
tracking update. You missed that tracking train, but I will
change your entry to reflect the approval shortly.

I think your case was probably approved before the IIO sent
the printout. This is just my guess, but it does not really

Like eadhopeful said, you are now officially an "alien". :)

Thanks for being active on the board posting messages. Have
fun, enjoy your life.
