Cant believe what I heard on AVM !!


Registered Users (C)
First of all I am sorry I was not posting since couple of days cos I was frustrated and hurt by what some people had interpreted about my post on friday...about being selfish and all that....

anyways I just heard on AVM that my and wifes case has been approved on Aug 21. I am happy cos it also happens to be my wifes and mothers birthday today. I am pretty sure the IIO I talked to on friday had forwarded a printout of our case to duty officer on same day...In fact my lawyer send a fax enquiry to CSC today morning whereas our case was approved yesterday !! again let me repeat the fax number given by IIO was the same as Ravi had posted. I will definately try calling IIO tomorrow and thanking her personally ...I am sure I will not get her on line but I will request line to be transferred to her cos I know her name...Or its possible all this is a coincidence....My advice to you would be to call IIO at least once a week if collegues with similar ND\'s are getting approved.....CIBA thanks buddy for the great site u maintain ...I will be hanging on the board for a while ...You can send me private messages if u want to ....and Greta Bob I will call you tomorrow morning !!
Congrats!! I\'m sooooo happy for you!

I wish I could be as lucky as you...wish you all the best and don\'t forget about us!


You are one of the most popular person in this board. Glad for you!


Congrats..... My details are exactly like you except we gave our finger printings on August 17th.

Could you please suggest me(exact questions) what should i ask when i call up IIO?

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Srak and others,

When i called IIO last friday ( 08/17) i was told my case is not assigned and all that...Then i took the other IIOs name ( week before i talked to ) and told this IIO that "xxx" ( i had taken her name and noted it down) had mentioned my case will be assigned within 1 week and what happened ( this was a big lie !!) that time iio said she will then forward my and wifes case to duty oficer and told me to fax enquiry to CSC as followup....before the fax went thru my case was talk nicely to them and tell them "Ma\'am please can you forward a printout of my case to duty officer" ..nothing more or nothing less....use the work "printout" as the dumb IIOs know only that term...
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Testbha dont worry man !! case gets assigned to officer and approved within 1 day like in my to IIO...did u call this week?
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Hi Debo_nair,
        Congrajulations!!!. Finally it is over for you. Can you please post your personal email addrees, I need to ask you few questions.
        Thanks in advance
Please check ur private message


Can you please reply to the private message I have sent you.

