Cancelled H1B and nearing H1b ending date, please help in understading


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Here's my situation

The company says that they cancelled my h1b in 2003 dec.
And after that whatever I did they paid me cash and or some payments in India.

1) I went to one lawyer(7 years Experience) and he said not to apply for H1 transfer since the company has already
1.1) sent a cancellation letter.
1.2) and I dont have an pay-stub

2) Went to another lawyer(13 years experience) and he said that to apply for H1 transfer in California itself since
2.1) California does not require Pay-stub
2.2) And might be they did not poay attention to that cancellation letter since till; now I have not recevied any notice from INS for cancellation of my visa.

Please guide me as to
3) whom should I beleive? and
4) What should I do?