Oh thats bad... looks like good days are gone and time 's changed... yesterday I was reading somewhere that INS/USA is considering to impose the visa (on passport) requirement for Canadian PR from British Commonwealth countries ... it means Pakis, indian etc wil require visas to enter in US if changes are implemented.
I saw it on the US Consulate (Toronto) web site.
On the other side of the border Canadians are considering new bill and changes to Citizenship law, making it tougher to get the citizenshp... lets see wat happens next.
I read the citizenship bill proposed by The Honourable Denis Coderre, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. The details are below: However as long as you can prove that you have ties to Canada like bank accounts, credit card accounts, loans etc. etc. and pay your share of the Canadien Tax, I don't foresee any issues or problems. This was the reason I started a thread called Canadien Taxes
The citizenship bill proposes that:
a greater emphasis be placed on existing Canadian values by changing the oath of citizenship to include a direct expression of loyalty to Canada.
a permanent resident be physically present in Canada for a total of three years out of the six years immediately prior to applying for Canadian citizenship.
a fully judicial process be instituted under which a judge would decide if an individual's citizenship should be revoked.
new powers be granted to the minister to annul citizenship obtained through the use of a false identity.
the Governor-in-Council be able to refuse citizenship in those rare cases where a person demonstrates a flagrant disregard for Canadian values.
children adopted abroad by Canadians become citizens without having to enter Canada as permanent residents and apply for citizenship, and citizenship commissioners, currently designated as citizenship judges, play a more active role in promoting Canadian citizenship.
Many elements of Canada's current Citizenship Act work well and would remain part of the new law, including the following provisions: children born in Canada will automatically become Canadian citizens; Canadian citizens will still be able to be citizens of other countries; and applicants for Canadian citizenship must still demonstrate sufficient knowledge of Canada and of one of its two official languages before being granted citizenship.