Canadian PR on H4 Can i get DL from Newyork


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I am a PR of Canada with a Valid canadian D licence,have to move next month to Newyork on a H4 would i be able to get DL from Newyork? :confused:
Hi there,

I've been trying to search everywhere for any information on how I can ship my car down from Canada (Britich Columbia) to Boston and still keep my driver's license and insurance from Canada. Is that even possible or would I have to apply for a Mass license and insurance? The insurance in Massachusetts is pretty expensive and I'd rather just keep my Canadian insurance if ICBC covers it. Does anyone know if I can bring my car to Boston and keep my Canadian insurance and for how long? Thanks in advance!
Thank you for the reply. That was very informative. So basically if you get into an accident ICBC will not cover me? My friend last summer who has a Georgia plate got into an accident in Boston, somebody rear-ended him and I think he was still able to get coverage for the accident from his insurance company. I have some Canadian friends that have brought their car down and have continued to use their Canadian plates without any problems. I guess what I'd like to know is that basically if you don't have any problems with the car in terms of needing coverage for damages or accidents then it's possible to continue using your plate? I hope I'm interpreting what you wrote correctly and if not please explain. Thanks!
Can someone help me regarding this

I will be bringing my car to US, driving from Canada

I dont have insurance now..what should I do. Get Canadian and then Cancel it?

In US, can I transfer the license plate to US and buy insurance there?

Also, can I exchange my CAD D/L with say NY or NJ D/L