just my 1 cent:
I know about 7-8 friends who landed 2 years back in Canada all have more than 10 years IT experience, they worked more than 5 years in USA, the all have certifications like MCSE2000, CNE, CNA, CCNA, CCNP, MCT. They could not find any IT job in Toronto area. 4 have master’s degrees in computer science (MCA), US and India Experience. But no IT jobs, they ask for “ Canadian Experience”. How they can get Canadian Experience with out work? Does Canada have different computers? 3 have gone back to India last month and got good jobs in Bombay and 2 are leaving in last week of April they got good job offers in Ban galore and Hydrabad in India. One is doing a labor job in factory 9 CDN/ hour, one is doing security job at Toronto Airport for 10 CDN/per hours. Canada has no IT job, they have jobs for Truck drivers but it will take more than a year to get Truck driving license, they need Laborers for factory and construction jobs and you have to score 72 point and spend money for application, pay the Rolf then bring minimum 12000CDN, that you will consume in 3-4 months. That is my experience and opinion and I stick to my opinion as of today’s job market in particular Toronto area.
What differences it makes if PR card is laminated or not? It is of no use if you cannot find a job. The security features of PR card don’t help in getting a job. If you have good job in US or in your home county don’t leave that job, if you want to land in Canada you are welcome, see the job market and I hope you will agree with me when you land and try to find a job, better option is NOT to leave your job where ever you have. Come to Canada then decide if you still want to stay or not.