Canadian Driver licence


Registered Users (C)
I have an illinios DL and I don't want to exchange it with Ontarion DL.
If I start the procees of getting Ontario DL from the scratch, my question is if i pass and got Ontario DL without surrending Illinios DL and without telling the canadian that I have Illinios DL, Do I loss my Illinios DL or does obtaning Ontario DL without surrending Illnios DL to the canadian make my illinios DL not valid.
I don't think it would make you IL driver's licence invalid. Canada is a different country than the US and therefore you should be ok.

Someone told me that when you exchange your licence (from any US state) to Canadian Licence, they give you your old licence back and issue you a new one, therefore you don't have to go through the whole process (written, driving test) and you still have both the licences. I don't know how far this info is true.
