Can work on second job with EAD?


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I am currenlty working on H1. I have EAD since more than yr. I am planning to change from H1 to EAD which I am doing.

The question that I have is, I am trying to get part-time job in same field of specialization. I am still with same employeer who filied my GC as a primary job.

Can I take part-time job with other company? and with W-2 with part-time job company?

If I take part-time job does it effect any thing on GC processing?

Thank You.
From the EAD point of view you should be fine with the PT job.

Did you sign a non compete agreement at the time of joining your current employer? If yes, then you would be in contempt of that if you take up a similar PT job with another employer. If you didn't sign a NCA, then you should be fine.

On the same topic I have a similar question?

Can you take up a PT job in something totally different than your field of specialization. Since this would not be a GC sponsoring employee does it matter?
Thank you for your reply.

I am not sure about NCA form wheather I have signed or not. I remember just signing appointment letter.

Recently I spoke with one of my immigration in my company, she working mentioning continuing with H1 for 7th yr and EAD. She did mentioned that if I change to EAD I can take part-time job. I hope that means they don't have NCA option while joining company.

For you question as per my knowledger for part-time you can take job in different field of specialization.

minn_labor said:
Did you sign a non compete agreement at the time of joining your current employer? If yes, then you would be in contempt of that if you take up a similar PT job with another employer.

So what? In most states non-competes are not worth the paper they are printed on. All the employer can do is terminate you.

Can you take up a PT job in something totally different than your field of specialization. Since this would not be a GC sponsoring employee does it matter?

It doesn't matter. You can be a performing mime in the park if you want.
TheRealCanadian said:
So what? In most states non-competes are not worth the paper they are printed on. All the employer can do is terminate you.

It doesn't matter. You can be a performing mime in the park if you want.

Maybe the word ** TERMINATION ** should ring some bells if its your GC sponsoring employer. Yes, you maybe able to find another employer to sponsor your GC for the same position. Its a risk you should be willing to take with your GC process.