Can we go for CP Process ? Please respond...


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Please ans. this question.

My friend got two I140(Employment based) one in EB3 for CP and another one in EB2 for Adjustment status approval using his Employeer same Labour and same position.
He got I140 EB2 Adjustment first and he applied for I485 and he finished his FP also. But his another I140 in EB3(CP) for the same postion as it is in the Labour
is already gone to Consulate and he didn\'t sent Packet 3 for consulate(CP) interview.

Here my question is whether any problem for I485 approval here or not in this situation, Can he go for CP interview after he send Packet 3.

Is it any way INS can findout that the same Alien got two I140 while processing I485 ?

I really appreciate your prompt reply.

Thanks Again
Could you please ans. this questions. Really appreciate your repond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are making mockery of the INS system. Why wouldn\'t you do one or the other? Why are you increas
