Can we file two 485 separately?


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Hello there, my wife and I each got 140 approved almost at the same time. Now can we file 485 separately with the other as dependent in each petition? We want to do so to be more secure, but we are not sure whether this is appropriate. Thanks for any suggestions and help!

You can only file 1 I-485. Why spend all that money doing it twice? If something happens, you amend her I-485 to be based upon her I-140, instead of being married to you, and amend your I-485 to be a dependent of hers. Much cheaper.

Or just file based on each of your I-140s; no dependent status.
It\'s allowed, I believe

My colleague asked INS and was told it\'s OK to file two 485s with mutual dependency, as long as both are not work for the same company. But I think stick with one is better. Why causing confuse to INS? You may trigger RFE if INS wants some clarification. They can easily find it out since you can only have one A number, no matter how many applicaton you filed.
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I have the same problem, filled my I485 a month ago,now my companies is not doing well,meanwhile my wife\'s I485 is approved .I want to apply I485 again with my wife as primary candidate. But i saw so many
discussions saying that you can only have one A#.I don\'t know what to now ,can i withdraw my case and proceed with my wife\'s I485.Help will
be appreciated.
It is not advisable

You cannot apply separately. You cannot have two application for aos.
why not?

You can file family-based 485 and employment-based 485 separately. So INS allows multiple applications for AOS. As a follow-up of my previous message, my colleague applied his 485 with his wife as dependent, while his wife filed her 485 with him as dependent. Everything went fine. He got receipt/FP, etc. His wife got approved earlier, so he got his passport stamped also, without any problem. His own application was terminated automatically.

Although I don\'t suggest people doing that way, I don\'t think we should rule out such option either. Double-check with INS if people really want to pursuit. Don\'t take my word blindly.

Thanks for all the answers and suggestions! I wanted to do so only to make us more secure in economy like this.
Probably you should file one AOS and

one cp application. After approval, do not forget to cancel the other application.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney. Use the information at your risk.