Can WE ALL send question to USCIS Director Gonzalez


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I was visiting the main page and one of the sub headers states that the USCIS director will be answering questions on MON july 24 at 4pm Easter. I am thinking this would be a great time for all of us with Pending asylum I-485 to submit questions asking why there is a long delay in COMPLETE applications and when can we hope to see Approvals from the service centers.

The idea is for all of us to stick to the same subject. And to be very brief. No long winded questions as they tend to be over looked. So check out the link below and submit your Pending I-485 applications.
Thanks, Pinkie
I just submitted my short simple question.
Good luck to you.
Thanks mates!!!

Lets send as many in the same subject " Pending complete Asylum I-485" being the focus.

We want to hopefully ignite some type of movement on these cases? So the more submissions for the same subject hopefully we can get him to push them to act.
Looks like they were very few questions answered. I did notice several questions with I-485 and Asylum related question was answered for that person who has been waiting since 1998-present.

Well Seeing is believing that oct deadline may just come and go. But I guess we have not choice but to remain hopefull.

I personally think that the approval dates should be made retroactive. Meaning if you got approved for Asylum, regardless of how long it has taken them to approve your case. They should honor the 1 year limit when indicating the date initially granted "Greencard status" Which means for that person who applied in 1998 they should be Ok'ed to apply for Naturalization. Simple as that. Because it really isn't their fault that there is a backlog.
I personally think that the approval dates should be made retroactive. Meaning if you got approved for Asylum, regardless of how long it has taken them to approve your case. They should honor the 1 year limit when indicating the date initially granted "Greencard status" Which means for that person who applied in 1998 they should be Ok'ed to apply for Naturalization. Simple as that. Because it really isn't their fault that there is a backlog.
I wholehartedly agree! The reality is, however, we are second-class people treated by the USCIS respectively. What amazes me is that Mr Gonzalez dared to post his reply to an asylee who still waits since 1998. It's simply outrageous!
Pinkie said:
I personally think that the approval dates should be made retroactive. Meaning if you got approved for Asylum, regardless of how long it has taken them to approve your case. They should honor the 1 year limit when indicating the date initially granted "Greencard status" Which means for that person who applied in 1998 they should be Ok'ed to apply for Naturalization. Simple as that. Because it really isn't their fault that there is a backlog.
Hi Pinkie,

This exactly what I had asked Mr Gonzalez in the question I sent, but my question was not picked :mad: Hopefully, they read and think about all the questions even if the questions were not picked this time around!

By the way, thanks for telling us about the Q&A session.
I don't know... According to Mr. Gonzalez there should be mass approvals within the next 2.5 months. They should cover all the rest of ND 1998 - 2004 that are left plus all of us with ND 2005-2006, which is quiet a few thousand applications, in order for the to meet the dead line. Sounds a little unrealistic... but we'll see how it goes.
As for them picking questions. Did you see how many he responded to? Less than 10 questions. And judging from what we are talking about on this thread, there were more than 10 questions. Why answer questions if you cannot answer a large number? I think they should actually incorporate a system where the officials get online and answer questions every start of the fiscical year.

As far as the rate of approvals. The reality is this, a lot of cases are complete and simply waiting on what? I have no idea. There seems to be a standstill, whereas a lot of applicants like myself have turned in everything and don't anticipate any hold ups since FEB 2006. I would imagine the longest it would have taken is 2 months with FBI clearance. But no no no. Nothing there.
Patience is the key to virtue....

No offense but when I see ND 05 people getting so pissed off about net getting approval, I can't help but laugh and shake my head.
Piece of advice...... Whenever you feel pissed or impatient, just think about the asylees who have waited for 4-5 years.
Believe you me guys when I say this. You have no idea, how lucky you guys are.
I wish you all a speedy GC, I really do.
Pinkie said:
As for them picking questions. Did you see how many he responded to? Less than 10 questions. And judging from what we are talking about on this thread, there were more than 10 questions. Why answer questions if you cannot answer a large number? I think they should actually incorporate a system where the officials get online and answer questions every start of the fiscical year.

As far as the rate of approvals. The reality is this, a lot of cases are complete and simply waiting on what? I have no idea. There seems to be a standstill, whereas a lot of applicants like myself have turned in everything and don't anticipate any hold ups since FEB 2006. I would imagine the longest it would have taken is 2 months with FBI clearance. But no no no. Nothing there.

Agree with PunjabiMunda. Also remember that before the backlog, in 1995/1996, the average wait time was 2.5 years. So you all should chill...