Can u get the 2nd FP done in India


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Is this possilbe in the remotests way, reason am asking is that I am in India now and looking at the way 2nd Fp notices are coming in, I should get mine anytime soon.

SO can I walk into a US consulate office here and get the 2nd FP done.. Or should I fly back and do the FP in the US?

Anotehr question, my spouse is in the US, can she get her FP in San Jose?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

possible questions that one may have before answering y thread

Are u a US employee - Yes, getting paid in the US and paying taxes too

Enjoy ur life like an old joke. US salary, Europe house, Indian food, Japanese wife etc...

Now u have US Salary, Indian LIFE. Nothing can beats this. So, Enjoy.