Can PRs join American political organizations?

There are probably restrictions for political parties. I do know that donations to parties are not allowed from non US-citizens.

Wrong. Donations are allowed from PRs as well.
But party-neutral election donation is OK, right?

On the 1040, there is a check box asking if you want to
donate some money to some election campaign fund.
For last 2 years, I checked the box with a note like:"Only if non-citizen can do check this box". Don't know if IRS cares.

What is the difference between a party and an organization?
How do I know if an organization is political? Now everyone
has an agenda and everything is political.
>The law uses the term "foreign national", and the Republicans
>used that verbatim. The law goes on to explain that a "foreign
>national" is an individual who is not a US citizen or a Permanent

Someone better tell the Republican Party that they mislead
the potential PR donators so that they are losing money.