Can one use AP approved when one's outside of the US?


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I applied AP a month ago, but need to take an emergency trip abroad. There is an LUD for my AP today. The question is: if my AP is approved during my absence, can I ask somebody to mail it to me and use it to enter the US?
In other words, is AP valid for entry if it is approved when the applicant is ouside of the country?

Thanks a lot.

There is risk. What happens if you AP does not get approved? How you will come back?
If there is any RFE.

I travelled using AP. While leaving US, no one asked for AP.
I know one person who travelled with out AP (his AP was approved though) and his wife send AP through some one to India. He came back with no problems.

Again there is Risk and should not travel without approved AP.
No, you can't use new AP

I had similar situation and inquire about this.
You can’t use new AP to enter if the AP is approved during your out of country stay. You have to use the AP that was approved prior to your travel. Please check in They have answer for this.

linux1112000 said:
I had similar situation and inquire about this.
You can’t use new AP to enter if the AP is approved during your out of country stay. You have to use the AP that was approved prior to your travel. Please check in They have answer for this.