can members of the family land at different times?


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My son was born after we submitted our application to Buffalo. After we reported his birth to Buffalo, we were requested to add him to the application and have hime medically examed. My wife and I had the exam done already. My questions are:
(1)Will my son get a different expiration date from ours on his immigration visa later on? I heard that the expiration date was determined by the medical exam date. Since he has the different medical exam date, I assume he will get a different expiration date. is it correct?
(2)Can the members of the family land at different times? Due to some reasons, I need to land first, then my wife and my son will land. Will it be ok? Does anybody else have the same experience?

thanks in advance!
#1: Everybody will get the earliest date of Medical Exam as the last date of entry

For example: If your medical date is Jan 2004, Wife's date is Feb 2004, and your baby's date is Oct 2004, everybody will get Jan 2005 as the expiry date.

#2: Everyone should enter at the same time
I am not sure if amswer to 2 is right. I think the principal applicant can land before the others.

I dont think you can.
I have the same thing and I had to reapply IMM008 form and add my son on the application.
In the mean time Canadian consulate asked for my passports to be resubmitted so the stamped passports can be cancelled.
I was reissued the permanent resident visa again with all 3 of us. And as suggested by other user, the earliest date of medical will be applied to all 3 of u.

Hi Jayesh76,

Thank you very much for your post to my question.

Can I ask you one more question:
How long did it take to get your son's medical exam form after you submitted the IMM008 and application fee for him to Buffalo?

I have been waiting for my son's medical form for 10 weeks after I sent out all the required docs for him, and I have received it yet. I want to know if it is normal to take such long time. I faxed Buffalo twice and got no responses.

I would really appreciate it if you could share some of your experience. Thanks a lot
