Can I work...


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after my six-yr H-1B expires and before the 7th yr extension (filed in May 2003)approval? I do qualify for the 7th yr extension. The lawyer's office that I will not be able work unless it is approved by then. Is it true? Thanks.
My understanding is that as long as you file for the 7th year extension prior to the expiry of the 6 years, BCIS grants a grace period of 240 days during which you can continue to work - so as long as you get your 7th yr H-1B within 240 days of the expiry of your current H-1B expiry you will be fine

Thanks to mymontreal and badobo.

After my post, I consulted with the lawyer. She said one can work for upto 180 days after the 6-yr expires. Her assistant gave the wrong info to our HR dept prior to my post. Thanks again.
Is there a rule that hte person can work upto 180 days or 240 days only?
I know of a friend who had filed for 7 the yr extension and got it approved after 8 months of the expiry of the 6 yr visa.