• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Can I visit the US on vacation if I am through to stage 2?

cheers mate

Registered Users (C)
Hi guys,

I have been selected under the DV2009 scheme and sent off my paperwork about a month ago... I have a very low case number in the 5000's so expecting an interview sooner rather than later...

My question is, can I still travel to and from the states while I am being considered? I am a UK citizen so I don't need to apply for a VISA to visit the US, but a member of my family that already lives there said he thought it would be a bad idea to visit while I am going through this process.

Does anyone know if this is the case?


Hi guys,

I have been selected under the DV2009 scheme and sent off my paperwork about a month ago... I have a very low case number in the 5000's so expecting an interview sooner rather than later...

My question is, can I still travel to and from the states while I am being considered? I am a UK citizen so I don't need to apply for a VISA to visit the US, but a member of my family that already lives there said he thought it would be a bad idea to visit while I am going through this process.

Does anyone know if this is the case?



I am Irish, so I am also eligible for the visa waver program. I have entered and left the US under the visa waver program with no issues since filing my DV forms last year. So you should be fine.

There are no questions relating to immigrant intent on the visa waver form.

Also they are changing the visa waver system to an online system from January onwards, not sure if this will change anything.

Dont know when you travel, but US embassy adivsed not to do so after October, 1.

I sent back my forms in May 2007 and travelled to the US in Jan 2008, It was a work conference and I had to go. I was initially worried but as I was travelling on the visa waver it was no problem, and I had no issue with immigration.
If I am honest I would most likely not have gone voluntarily, as I would not have wanted to complicate my case unnecessarily. As I said I had to attend the conference so not going was not an option. I really ran into no hassle at all. I was never asked about immigration intent. I travelled out of Ireland and cleared immigration in Ireland before I left for the US, then returned a week later.

I even had to surrender my UK drivers licence to the police when I was out on a Saturday night in DC (really long story :) ) who must have run a background check on me and I still had no problems. Of course it was just a random check and not because I had done anything wrong. If I had have been illegal I’d have been carted off and deported!

Americans are crazy into asking for your ID!
Hi guys,

I have been selected under the DV2009 scheme and sent off my paperwork about a month ago... I have a very low case number in the 5000's so expecting an interview sooner rather than later...

My question is, can I still travel to and from the states while I am being considered? I am a UK citizen so I don't need to apply for a VISA to visit the US, but a member of my family that already lives there said he thought it would be a bad idea to visit while I am going through this process.

Does anyone know if this is the case?



I didn't think the UK was in the DV Lottery?
I didn't think the UK was in the DV Lottery?

well spotted!
that did not even dawn on me.
According to:


"For DV-2009, natives of the following countries are not eligible to apply because they sent a total of more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. over the period of the previous five years:

BRAZIL, CANADA, ..... UNITED KINGDOM (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories ..... VIETNAM.

Cheers mate, how are you intending to claim eligibility?
I am guessing while you are a UK citizen you are most likely born somewhere else.
I know several people from the UK that have won (my wife included) as they were born elsewhere, so I guess this is the case here.
Tazmania "Dont know when you travel, but US embassy adivsed not to do so after October, 1."

Do you know what is the reason for that is Tazmania?
Tazmania 'Dont know when you travel, but US embassy adivsed not to do so after October, 1."

I'm a bit worried as I intend to travel after that date. Please put my mind at ease.
I'm also a DV 2009 winner and I'm planning to travel to the US this coming september, for vacation. I'll apply for a visa as my previous B1/B2 visa has expired. I used to travel to the US a few times, both for vacation and business.

Does this have anything to do with the DV processing?
I'm also a DV 2009 winner and I'm planning to travel to the US this coming september, for vacation. I'll apply for a visa as my previous B1/B2 visa has expired. I used to travel to the US a few times, both for vacation and business.

Does this have anything to do with the DV processing?

If you don't currenty have a valid U.S visa or if your country is not under the visa waiver program, Do not apply for a new U.S visa!, unless you haven't submit the DS-230 and the DSP-122 forms. Applying a new U.S visa while your DV case is still processing could end up a visa refusal from the embassy and it might also jepordized your DV winning. The reason is because going through to the DV proces supposedly is recognized as "Immigrant intent."

If you already have a U.S visa or your country is part of the visa waiver program, you can travel freely to the U.S until the date of your DV interview. The POE (Port of Entry) does not have record if somene is applying for an immigrant visa but the U.S Embassy/Counsulate and the Department of State does. This is why people that already have a visa or have visa waiver can go in and out the U.S without any problem. This is of course have a risk of its own. Eventhough the immigration police might not know that you have applied an immigrant visa, but if somehow they ask you (which is unlikely) about it, then you're risking denied entry to the U.S.

I found it to be unfair that citizens from the non visa waiver countries are viewed to be a second class world citizen, where they have to go through selection process and interview just to go to the U.S while citizens from visa waiver contries don't need to go through the intimidating and sometimes heart breaking selection process. Is it really our choice to be a citizen of a certain country? For most of us, citizenship is something that we got when we were born and is not something we can choose. -something to think about- :rolleyes:
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Applying a new U.S visa while your DV case is still processing could end up a visa refusal from the embassy and it might also jepordized your DV winning.
while applying for a non-immigrant visa after applying for an immigrant one may result in a rejection of a NON-immigrant visa, it will NOT jeopardize your chances of getting an immigrant visa, if you didn't lie on any of your applications.

The POE (Port of Entry) does not have record if somene is applying for an immigrant visa
they do.
Thank you again . . .

This sounds very odd. I never tought it that way. Still I couldn't appriciate the reason.

Actually I filled the online application form (for Non-Immigrant visa) yesterday thinking that this has nothing to do with the DV processing and fixed an appointment for the end of AUG for interview, for my planned visit to the US towards the end of September. Thanks for your advise I'll drop my application and stop the process. If I understand correctly, I and my wife cannot travel to the US untill the DV process is complete. Right? For me this is very odd. My case number is at the higher end and if it's going to be current, that's going to happen in AUG or SEP next year. No one knows what will happen then. Things might go in a different direction.

That means I also need to abandon my scheduled business trip some time next year because of this.

Appriciate to hear more from all participants on this issue.

Thank you again and God Bless
Thank you again . . .

This sounds very odd. I never tought it that way. Still I couldn't appriciate the reason.

Actually I filled the online application form (for Non-Immigrant visa) yesterday thinking that this has nothing to do with the DV processing and fixed an appointment for the end of AUG for interview, for my planned visit to the US towards the end of September. Thanks for your advise I'll drop my application and stop the process. If I understand correctly, I and my wife cannot travel to the US untill the DV process is complete. Right? For me this is very odd. My case number is at the higher end and if it's going to be current, that's going to happen in AUG or SEP next year. No one knows what will happen then. Things might go in a different direction.

That means I also need to abandon my scheduled business trip some time next year because of this.

Appriciate to hear more from all participants on this issue.

Thank you again and God Bless

Please I need comments from you on this. Do I have to contact the embassy and tell them that I dropped the visa application? Or shall I simply stop the process?

Appriciate your comments on this . . . please

Thank you and God bless
Please I need comments from you on this. Do I have to contact the embassy and tell them that I dropped the visa application? Or shall I simply stop the process?

Appriciate your comments on this . . . please

Thank you and God bless

Appriciate your honest commetns on this please. I need to hear from exprienced members - alemitmee, Gerindo, Tazmania

If you do not have the background info:


I did not have that much knowledge about Immigrant and Non Immigrant visa and I applied for a Non Immigrant visa after I completed and send back the DV forms. This was because I had a plan to go to the US for vacation in September and my B1/B2 visa was expired. I really never thought that applying for a non immigrant visa while having pending immigrant case would have a problem. Then I learned from this forum that this is not good - it'll result in an automatic rejection of the request and it might also jeopardize the DV process. FYI, I travelled a lot to the US both for Business and Vacation, in the past.

The process for requesting a non immigrant visa in my country is as follows:

Fill the online application, make a print out, fix online interview appointment, sign and send the printout copy of the application up on payment of the required fees, appear for the interview.

Accordingly I filled out the online application form and took an appointment for interview for sometime towards the end of August. I can drop the application. Although there is no way of canceling application online, I may not appear for the interview so that the embassy may drop my application.

My Questions:

1/ If I drop the application now, will there be a problem with my DV processing? If so what should I do to tackle the problem? There is one question in the non immigrant visa form that says: 'Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf?' and I replied No. This was not for the sake of lying but as I mentioned above it was because I did not have that much knowledge before and I didn't know that filling and sending the DV forms is requesting for an immigrant visa.

2/ I learned from this forum that once you filled and sent back the DV forms, you're showing your INTENT to immigrate and requesting for a non immigrant visa then after will be difficult. What if my CN never becomes current and after the end of the DV period if I request for a non immigrant visa?

Thank you and God Bless


Thank you,
Appriciate your honest commetns on this please. I need to hear from exprienced members - alemitmee, ,

I don’t know about experienced! I had a B2 visa once years and years ago. My company got the visa for me at the time so I was not involved in getting it at all.
I also had a few J1’s but again filed and sorted out by travel companies. The DV was so straightforward for me anyway so that is the only thing I really have any experience with. I have not had any where near the amount of dealings with US visas as some people that I have come across. Anyway ….

My Questions:
1/ If I drop the application now, will there be a problem with my DV processing? If so what should I do to tackle the problem? There is one question in the non immigrant visa form that says: 'Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf?' and I replied No. This was not for the sake of lying but as I mentioned above it was because I did not have that much knowledge before and I didn't know that filling and sending the DV forms is requesting for an immigrant visa.

This is fair enough, any one could make this mistake. I think the best rule of thumb when dealing with US consulate authorities is to just be honest and tell the truth.

2/ I learned from this forum that once you filled and sent back the DV forms, you're showing your INTENT to immigrate and requesting for a non immigrant visa then after will be difficult. What if my CN never becomes current and after the end of the DV period if I request for a non immigrant visa?

Thank you,

To be honest there is no official line or official policy on this. One thing I have learnt from the whole GC process and reading all the various forums is that immigration law and visa issuing processes can often be thrown about by people who are giving opinion rather then fact. I have even seen immigration lawyers arguing points on one forum, and you would think that they would know the law 100%. Some times there are very clear cut answers, for example:

Q. I spent 10 years in prison can I get US visa? A. probably not to be honest but I suppose it depends what you were in for.

But most of the time the answers are not that straight forward.
Now to answer your question 2, yes you have indicated immigrant intent by filing your DV forms, but I really don’t think that Automatically disqualifies you from obtaining a B Visa. Yes its true that it may complicate your application for a B visa, but I am sure the decision to grant you a B visa will be taken by a consular officer somewhere, and not automatically disqualified.
No one in there right mind is going to go to the US on a B visa while they have a DV case pending and over stay, why on earth would someone put there case in jeopardy. I would say the fact that you have an immigration case pending is proof enough that you are going to return home, if for nothing more then to attend your interview.
When you are filing your B application you will have to make sure that you show beyond doubt that you will be returning home after what ever period. I am sure if you post on enough forums you will find some one some where who has had a B visa issued while having DV application pending.
But as to what you should do? Who knows! I am sure some one will post after me saying the exact opposite of what I have said. Unfortunately this is the torment of US immigration and visa’s
I don’t know about experienced! I had a B2 visa once years and years ago. My company got the visa for me at the time so I was not involved in getting it at all.
I also had a few J1’s but again filed and sorted out by travel companies. The DV was so straightforward for me anyway so that is the only thing I really have any experience with. I have not had any where near the amount of dealings with US visas as some people that I have come across. Anyway ….

I wnated to say that you have a better knowlegde on DV issues, I noted that from the comments you gave . . .

This is fair enough, any one could make this mistake. I think the best rule of thumb when dealing with US consulate authorities is to just be honest and tell the truth.

Okay, I'll not process the application any further. Do I need to call the embassy to inform them that I droped the application?

To be honest there is no official line or official policy on this. One thing I have learnt from the whole GC process and reading all the various forums is that immigration law and visa issuing processes can often be thrown about by people who are giving opinion rather then fact. I have even seen immigration lawyers arguing points on one forum, and you would think that they would know the law 100%. Some times there are very clear cut answers, for example:

Q. I spent 10 years in prison can I get US visa? A. probably not to be honest but I suppose it depends what you were in for.

But most of the time the answers are not that straight forward.
Now to answer your question 2, yes you have indicated immigrant intent by filing your DV forms, but I really don’t think that Automatically disqualifies you from obtaining a B Visa. Yes its true that it may complicate your application for a B visa, but I am sure the decision to grant you a B visa will be taken by a consular officer somewhere, and not automatically disqualified.
No one in there right mind is going to go to the US on a B visa while they have a DV case pending and over stay, why on earth would someone put there case in jeopardy. I would say the fact that you have an immigration case pending is proof enough that you are going to return home, if for nothing more then to attend your interview.
When you are filing your B application you will have to make sure that you show beyond doubt that you will be returning home after what ever period. I am sure if you post on enough forums you will find some one some where who has had a B visa issued while having DV application pending.
But as to what you should do? Who knows! I am sure some one will post after me saying the exact opposite of what I have said. Unfortunately this is the torment of US immigration and visa’s

Thank you soooooooo much for your toughts on this.
No one in there right mind is going to go to the US on a B visa while they have a DV case pending and over stay, why on earth would someone put there case in jeopardy. I would say the fact that you have an immigration case pending is proof enough that you are going to return home, if for nothing more then to attend your interview.
When you are filing your B application you will have to make sure that you show beyond doubt that you will be returning home after what ever period. I am sure if you post on enough forums you will find some one some where who has had a B visa issued while having DV application pending.
But as to what you should do? Who knows! I am sure some one will post after me saying the exact opposite of what I have said. Unfortunately this is the torment of US immigration and visa’s

Dear alemitmee,

You raised a very important point. How come I try to stay illegally in the US while having a pending case (DV interview) to immigrate legally??? Logically this can be used as a proof that I'll come back, as you said. Anyone out there to comment on this?

1/ If I drop the application now, will there be a problem with my DV processing? If so what should I do to tackle the problem? There is one question in the non immigrant visa form that says: 'Has anyone ever filed an immigrant visa petition on your behalf?' and I replied No. This was not for the sake of lying but as I mentioned above it was because I did not have that much knowledge before and I didn't know that filling and sending the DV forms is requesting for an immigrant visa.

I have another question. Further to my question number 1 above my wife's B1 visa is valid and what if she travels to the US for a visit?? Alone??

Thank you for your support
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Need your toughts . . . please

Hi All,

Further to my post below and your thoughts on the issue, I had dropped my plan of going to the US for vacation.

But I just been told to travel to the US on Company business. Of course it's the company that will process my visa. But I have to request for a non immigrant visa and I will be interviewed as part of the visa process. I'm confused here: Shall I go ahead and process the visa and travel or drop the request for travel? I don't know what reason to give to my boss if I should drop the request.

I need your opinion on this please.

Thank you