Can I use my F1 days as past work experience?


Registered Users (C)
My atty (from office) kinda made me believe that my masters work at school under F1 can be considered as work and submitted PERM accordingly. As of now, I am on H1B but I am expecting to apply for I140 before the end of the year. I have sent my attys letter (that states I was a full tiem employee as a research assistant/graduate teaching assistant for a said time period) to my grad school advisor for a signature. Now my advisor questiong me that I was a student and so it may not be possible to declare me as an employee. I work in exactly similar type of things that I have played around in my MS days. So, can that be counted as valid "expereince" instead of "employment"?

Thanks in advance for your inputs.
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Yes you can. I have read in this forum and doing myself the same that if you have worked lets say two years while you were student say 20hr/week, then it will be considered 1 year of experience and could be considered in I-140 if that work has soem relation to your job/labor position you are applying for. For example, teaching assitant does not have much job duties similar to a software engineer etc.

BTW, you are employee of that department who is paying you for those hours. I know i paid the tax and everything for all those Graudate Assitant positions and got W-2 as well.

This is just my opinion from what I understood from reading different ppl experiences here.