Can I use AC21 ? Please help !!


Registered Users (C)
Hello Gurus

Can u pls suggest me is it right thing to do :

Currently working for employer 'A' on L1A who don't want sponsor GC

Started GC process with future employment / substitue labor, applied I140/485 (concurrent filing), ND: 1/12/05 under EB3, through employer 'B',

Can I switch to employer 'C' who would like to offer me similar responsibility and title job once I complete 180 days from ?

And does it matter the status of I140/485 ??

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Changing employer should not matter as the GC is for future employment.

Never the less, it is important to have 140 approved before you can use AC21 in addition to 485 pending for 180 days.

medurisu said:
Pls respond based on your knowledge ....thx