Can I travel to CUBA ?


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This is a question that I have been wanting to get experts opinion on. I do know that as a US Citizen it is against the law to travel to Cuban & spend your money.

However I as a Indian Citizen am free to travel. But being a Permenant Resident will it cause a backlash. Will it be a problem when I apply for Citizenship later?

Is there anywhere in the citizenship documentation where they ask you if you have been to Cuba? Please clarify.

Most definitly I would love to take a trip before my options run out, if its legal to do so being US permanant resident.
No you can\'t

However I heard many people go to Cuba through Canada. But don\'t forget to ask Cuba authourity not to stamp your passport. Also don\'t buy too much Cuba goods. If US custom asks, you have to approve you buy them in Canada.
This is what I heard

My real question is, IS there any law that says that US Permenant residents cannot Visit CUBA.

I am also aware that the CUBAN embassy issues a visa on a paper that they detach from you passport when you leave CUBA so that there is no trace of a visa.

I am well aware of how to get there VIA Canada / Mexico.