Can I travel outside the country (for Business) after I send in my N-400?


Registered Users (C)

I have just sent in my N400, and my employer is asking me to travel to Europe for a 4 day customer meeting, can I do that? This 4 day trip won't be included in the "trips" section I have completed in the N400 I just sent?


I have just sent in my N400, and my employer is asking me to travel to Europe for a 4 day customer meeting, can I do that? This 4 day trip won't be included in the "trips" section I have completed in the N400 I just sent?


No problems at all with short trips (whether for business or pleasure) after you sent in your N-400. You can do that. During your naturalization interview, the officer will go over your application line by line. Inform the officer about the trip(s) you have taken after you sent in your application, and your N400 form will be updated accordingly.