Can I travel on my CPT?


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This question is for one of my frriends who is working on her CPT (Curricular Practical training).
She is planning to graduate in April 2005.

In january 2005, she wants to travel to India.
her student visa is valid till June 2007.

Is it risky to travel? Will she have to face any questions like for OPT students at the port of entry. please advice, She cant take a chance.

I appreciate your promt response on this issue.
No problem at all... I did that twice....just carry ure sevis i-20 with u and make sure its signed for travel
When did u travel?

Since the rules and apprehensions keep changing , just wanted to know when did u travel? I'm planning around last week of December.

If your friend is graduating in April 2005 and if she plans to travel in Jan 2005 she shouldnt have any problems.

Because she is working on CPT it Shouldnt be a problem.

The only time its a problem to travel is after graduation and when she gets her OPT.

I have heard its not advisable to travel on OPT. but there are people who have traveled on OPT that i know did not have any problem but this is on an early stage like first 3 months on OPT shouldnt be a problem

The above is all my knowledge.