Can I terminate employment with my employer after I get GC


Registered Users (C)
Have been working for the company which is my GC sponsor for 4 years. I am wondering if I can quit from this company immidiately after I recieve the GC approval? Any issues?
If employer wants to amend agreement

JoeF And Others
It has been 6 months since I got my GC. Now my employer wants to amend the contract for lower salary(reason being my client reduced the salary--this is the third time in 2 years). But my salary is still more then what they mentioned in labor(I got couple of good promotions during those good days) and definetly less than what i used to get at my GC approval. Is this is good enough reason to take another job and leave my company which sponsored my green card. I just want to know. Three salary reductions(all of them are more than 5%) are lot to take. I always thought 1yr is the good time. But these guys are literally taking advantage of me. I appreciate your help.
I personally know two people who changed their job just after getting their GC (two years back). Their job was shaky at the time and the new job responsibility is same as before. I never heard they are remorsing about their decision. On the other hand some people consider minimum six months stay with the current employer as a safe option. Now I am getting a very good offer from a company and I explained my situation of staying with the sponsoring company after getting the GC. Their HR mentioned that changing a job 3 months after GC approval should not have any negative impact. I would like to believe 3 months waiting rather than 6 months or 1 year waiting (as I like the offer). Could anybody tell me the suggestion from Mr Rajiv or Ms Murthy, who have a lot of clients and probably deal with this question more frequently than others. Thanks.
what if the LC (I-140) job is future/prospective offer

what if LC (I-140) job is future/prospective offer from another company (company C)? After GC, assume one has all the intent to join C on the prospective/future job which I-140 was based on and approved on. However, C has gone under, or don't want you any more? Does one need to document C's change of intent as well? Sigh, be aware that such documentation may get answers you don't want, since C may come back saying they didn't want you even before GC is approved but they didn't notify INS about it.
JoeF said:
In any case, it is always good to have everything in writing, so that you can show your intent and the thinking that went into going to the new job, just in case.

What kind of writing we need to have? can you explain? Thank you.

One more question, if we take a standard layoff letter from the current employer just after getting GC, will that be enough to take the employment with another employer?

Appreciate reply.
When can we have problem ?


I am trying to understand when can we have problem if we leave our job or
employer terminates our job just after green card stamping.

1) Employer notifies ins .
2) during citizenship.
3) green card renewal.

Out of these three options i know #2 is definately a possiblility, because they
ask for complete employment record.

Are #1 and #3 a possiblity. Did anyone green card got revoked because of
#1 and #3?

Please advise...

Thanks and Kind Regards.

I agree that there is a rule of thumb that one should stay with the same employer for at least 6 months. However, since there is no rule binding you to do that, I guess JoeF is right that if you have to leave the employer before 6 months than it is better to have as much in writing as possible.

Another thing struck to my mind is where ever there is no proper guideline, it is always subjective ..e.g., while getting non-immigrant visa like B1, F1 or H1 the general expectation from the consulate is to prove them that you have no intention to stay permenantly in USA and you will come back to your home after the validity of your visa. But we all know and I guess they know as well that most of the people try legal way to stay permanant in USA.

So I think as long as you can justify the immediate change in an employment, it should be okay. Also I have not seen so far or come across anyone who had that problem.
JoeF said:
Huh? I don't get the question. You don't even need anything to take up employment, as long as you have work authorization. It is just common sense, again, to have things in writing when you leave, as in every contractual situation...
If you buy or sell a car, you also have a written contract. It is just common sense...

Let me explain the situation a little better,

1) Say we get the GC
2) Within a month, we want to switch the employer
3) We know that it might be a problem with naturalization, as there is 'no intent' of staying with the employer.
4) Say we took a 'Lay-off' letter from previous employer (Employer laid you off), as we have good relations with them.
5) Is this OK to take the employment (so that no problems at naturalization)?

Thanks in advance for your answer.
Question: Are there any statistic out there on how many GC are anually revoced due to fraud?

Observation: I have been monitoring this forum for a few months now. The question seems to pop up again and again.

I think the problem is rooted in a person's conscience. If his/her intend is to simply use a company to get a GC, then, your conscience may give you a hard time sleeping at night.

JoeF is right on.
JoeF said:
If the employer did not lay you off, but you still provide a lay-off letter if CIS asks, you would have committed fraud. Plain and simple. Absolutely never have anybody fabricate anything. Period.

How does the CIS come to know about your employment change ?

And as stated above we receive the layoff letter and leave the parent company who sponsered the GC and joined the sister concern company because we have good realtion with our employer and just to break the whole link of consulting companies eating money, so will it be still fraud.

Joe can you put some light ?