Can I relocate office within the same company after my 485 passed 180 days?


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I have a situation right now which needs your help: I am currently in Cleveland office of our company,but I want to relocate to New York Office within the same company. And my 485 has passed 180 days. But when I talked to my lawyer, my lawyer told me that I could not relocate, even within the same company. He said AC21 only mentioned you could change your employer but did not mention you could relocate office. Is it true? Your comment is greatly appreicated!!!!
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I am also in a similar situation. My I-485 was mailed out last month. My current work location is in PA where my labor got approved. But my company made a decision to close my workplace in PA and asked me to relocate to Texas. My lawyer told me that this is analogous to changing employer. The reason is that I485 is specific to the state that approved labor. Thus, I am forced to take advantage of AC21 hoping that INS does not adjudicate my case or issue RFE in the next six months.
In your case you could potentially take advantage of AC21 because it is more than six months since you filed I-485. Hence, I don\'t really foresee a problem in your relocation. But best case scenario is to avoid it if possible. Many people I know have been receiving RFE\'s lately regarding employment verification. Make sure that your job title and duties correspond to or at least resembles your labor cert. Also, I have heard number of I485 approvals where the candidates changed their employer and took advantage of AC21.
Good luck
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I have a similar situation like you, but my lawyer told me a different story. You can change your office in the same company as long as you stay the same region controled by the same immigration center. For example, I used to work in Cleveland, OH, but now my company changed my office to Seattle, WA. Since they all belong to Nebraska Immigration Center, I will be fine. But if I moved to Texas, I will have a problem.
I see no logical reason why the sponsoring employer would be prohibited from doing something that a

No regs though so who knows what they will say if/when INS ever creates them.

Changing Location

I discussed with the company attorney, he says there is no clear cut defenition to this. AC21 may not be applicable to the situation in theoretical sense, bu arguable. If the employ do not have any choice other than that go for it, otherwise best to stay where ever you are.
I am relocating to a new place under another INS area. Best of Luck
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My $ on this is that your lawyers are right you cannot use Ac21 because it very location/job specific. Getting $50,000 in Montana is not same as getting it in New York.