Can I hire a separate lawyer for I-485 only?


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Hi Gurus,

I had an arrest a couple of years ago, and was not convicted. Although the case was small, I certainly don't want my employer to know about it. Now I can start my LC application. The company hires a lawyer to handle immigration issues. I could bring up to my company that I would like to hire another lawyer to apply for green card. But since the company needs to release finanical information to the lawyer, it seems better to work with the company lawyer. Plus the company lawyer handles most green card application in the company, he should be more experienced in this particular area. Would it be possible that I apply for LC and I-140 through the company lawyer and hire my lawyer later to apply for I-485? Is this technically (means LC and I-140 won't touch the arrest issue at all?) and practically (means the company is fine with that? I probably won't tell the company at this stage though) feasible? What about I-140 and I-485 concurrent filing?

Many thanks in advance!

I don't think you should worry about the arrest. No employer can discriminate based on an arrest. Only if you are convicted and if that affects your job performance could they hold it against you.

Now if you have not disclosed this (when asked previously) it could be an issue.
Attorney/client information is confidential. Your lawyer CANNOT tell on you, to your company.

I would say go ahead with your company lawyer. If you are not comfortable with the idea of sharing your arrest history with your company, tell your attorney that and make sure he can deal with the conflict of interest. If he cannot then go ahead and hire a seperate lawyer.
Thank you guys.

But technically, at LC and I-140 stage, the lawyer's client is my company instead of me. So he should have obligations with the company. So if changing lawyer at I-485 stage is not very uncommon (for other reasons like switching company?), wouldn't it be hassle free for me to do that in my case?
Originally posted by CPlusPlusPlus
But technically, at LC and I-140 stage, the lawyer's client is my company instead of me. So he should have obligations with the company.
The lawyer represents both you and your company. Since it is your case after all. If the lawyer cannot handle the conflict of interest, then he should resign from the case.

It isn't a problem to switch lawyers at any time. My own law firm, has probably switched lawyers under me atleast 5 times in the past 4 years.