Can I contact senator and congressmen concurrently?


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Today, I’ve sent a letter to my local congressmen. I’m going to contact senator as well. Should I wait for answer from congressmen’s office prior to contact senator? Which way would be the best? Please advice.

try answering this question pretending it was asked by some one else :)

and go with the first answer u come up with
You can only contact one source at a time......
Traditionally, congressman or senator's office .....will contact their liaison and create an inquiry ticket on your behalf with TSC/NSC.....Let's say you went with congressman.....and they created a ticket.....if you contact senator - they will call you back and say that they saw a ticket out there.....and they cannot create another ticket for you...and that you should wait 30 days before you call them back......

I noticed one user this response....KJ...I think...

Always - stick to one source....and wait for their final respone or 30 days....before embarking on the next source....
Thanks for explanation banta4gc!

greynicolls: I’ve tried several times but didn’t like an answer. Finally banta4gc has cleared my doubts. Thanks anyway! :)