Can I change company after 6 motnhs of EAD?


New Member

It is for one of my friends. He has been already 6 months after he received EAD. Now he is thinking to switch company. He does not have any problem with current job or company. For better opoortunity he was asking if he can switch.

Your reply is very much urgent.

You can Change your Job............


You can change your job after 180 days as per AC21 law. If there
Is not any REF or other thing from INS? Only limitation is the job profile, salary and the location should be shame as it shouted in your labor certificate.

Its better before change the job you should consult your new company lawyer regarding this.

Best of Luck

You can change your job after 180 days as per AC21 law. If there
Is not any REF or other thing from INS? Only limitation is the job profile, salary and the location should be shame as it shouted in your labor certificate

1. I can understand requirements of Job Profile and Salary being similar, why should there be restriction on location?

2. Also, no one can guarantee about receiving or not receiving an RFE on a case!



Actually I’m not an Immigration lawyer. But what was my lawyer said that I’ve posted here but if you want to know about AC21 law better go to

Best Of Luck
In the context of AC21 ....

Does anybody know if it is possible to work for a different company if my current company does not mind lending my services ? This is the case where my company wants me to join the client (they seem to be getting a lump sum rate). The client wants me to come totally on board and both the parties are in agreement.

Can I go to the client if 90 days have been completed ? If there is any docs reqd, I am sure my current company will be happy to provide.

Another question is that I am planning to go on vacation in Dec/Jan. Will this period count towards the 180 days requeired by AC21 ?
