can FP be done earlier than the FP date?


Registered Users (C)
sorry if this has been discussed before, but I was wondering if FP can be done earlier than your scheduled date @ Newark Center.
my date is 3/26/02

has anyone had any experience??
wanted to ask someone before I took a vaaction day.

as some of the older posting, one guy states that to go to a diff. center and they might do the FP
eg - mine is at NEWARK, but to try it at Hackensack

will that work???

it can be done

just spoke to INS relating to FP.

They said that you can go ahead and try and get FP earlier..
even at a diff. INS center
but obviously there are no guarantees...

but for anyone in a tight situation, this might be an option
\'No guarantees\' ? - not sure if I understand it right...

No guarantee if any FP Center or alternative center will accept early FP or no guarantee that it may jeopardize the FP process - for it may take months to get another FP notice.
it will not jeopardize the FP process

no guarantees that any other center other than the one assigned to you, will do the FP process.

eg- my FP date is 3/26/02.
I can try my luck at another INS center(Hackensack). If they have any openings, then they could process my FP.

Ad far as I can tell, I don\'t see this jeopardizing the FP process.
anyway, I will update this thread, once I try my luck.

My FP scheduled on 03/05, did FP on 02/08..Called them and they said to come on Wednesday as it is l

yes you could do

yes you could do this. this will not hamper the processing of your case. I know some cases who have preponed.
called ins

They said i cant do FP earlier. Can rescheduled later.

Dont know some people did earlier.
aiyoo, did you try?


I am also interested in earlier FP at Newark. Just wonder did you try it? My schedule is 04/18 and it\'s too late for me.

Thank you.

Folks ... There\'s no other advantage in doing EARLY FP other than

... for your Convenience (schedulewise). Earlier I have posted my expereinces at Hackensack Center and as far as I can tell they are
very very flexible and will accomodate you.

You have nothing to loose (And nothing tangible to Gain)

My theory ... Get done with this BS as soon as possible (and live free) !

Good luck.