Can anyone share Boston office Passport stamping experience?


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
Please see my case details in my signature.
Can you please share Boston office Passport stamping experience?. Do i have to get appointment?. When i need to go there and is there any appointment line?.

Thanks in advance.

I went today. I took the subway green line to Govt. Center. If you come out of the 'T' station you can see people standing in a line to enter JFK building. I reached there around 7:15 a.m. and joined the queue. Already there were around 200 people ahead of me. After the usual security check, got in the building around 7:30 and stood in the queue for another 45 minutes to get the token. Then went for signature and finger print - which is actually the impression of the index finger and it didn't take any time at all. Waited for another 30 minutes in a hall and got the stamping in the passport. It was pretty fast.

To the officer at the counter I gave,
1. the ADIT pictures taken at Sears.
2. the courtesy copy of the approval letter (nobody questioned it - I was worried that they might ask for the original one).
3. I 94
4. H1B approval ( to show my vaild status. I don't have an EAD. But the officer didn't care about this)

The only question he had for me was if I have Advanced Parole and stamped my passport.

Good luck to you.

RD: May 31 02
AD: May 18 04
PS: May 25 04
Thank you very much for all.

Hi DashDurai,
My wife is not working, but in her RFE, they asked my EVL (original letter head - not a copy). So i got 2 original EVL from my employer to reply RFE for me and my wife RFE. I have never heard USCIS asking like this. But in my case this is what they asked.

FP experience In Boston??

Any One can share recent FP experience in Boston office?? Thanks in advance
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