Can a TN employee take a board position?


New Member
I'm working as a management consultant under TN. I've been approached a few times to take on board positions in a few companies other than my employer. These positions are advisory in nature and while they offer compensation, I am more interested in professional achievement and development that comes with these engagements. Can I take these positions? If getting paid is an issue, can I take them without pay? Thanks.
thanks. just venting, why legislate to stop people from engaging in additional productive work!
Easy. To protect American workers. It's not a right for a foreigner to do any work in US. TN grants permission for specific work to certain foreigners.
Question specific to nelsona response...
I have been on TN in the US for many years as an engineer. As a small part of my job responsibility I have been involved in technical standards in 2 associations/organizations (ASTM and NACE, now AMPP), both based in US but international in name and scope. I have been contributing to technical standards through committee work, completely voluntary. There are many people from all around the world on these committees. Is this considered work requiring a secondary TN (based on what you just stated). Also, can I not consider being selected for a Directorship in one of these groups? Again, fully voluntary, no pay.
If you were not on TN, you could probably enter US for the purpose of a board meeting, using a B1 entrt, but since your are on TN, you can't hold B1 and TN at the same time.