Can a person be married and marry another person and get the green card?


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I was told this.....I don't think it makes any sense...but who knows....
I was told....this couple is married....and he is getting his green card thru
the marriage........(not divorced or anything yet)....I was told the guy
can marry someone else and get the green card within a week.......
I believe they do not know what they are talking about..... because it makes
no sense...... ANy opinions? Also, after you file the I75....i assume you are
free to divorce at that time? OR do you have to wait until citizenship?
Can a person be married and marry another....

THis would make sense if you were divorced in the 1st marriage....or had
a pending divorce...but not while still married....... probably there is a
misunderstanding somewhere.
You cannot marry if you are already married.

You have to get divorce/annulement before you can marry second (or third or fourth or...) time.
Can a person be married and marry another person to get the green card?

...This makes sense...i was also told that "i could get married next week]
and get the green card"..... I thought ...."I don't think so...because you
would have to get a divorce before you did anything"...... where this
thinking is coming from , I don't know.
can a person be married and marry another person...

I would guess that after you get your permanent residency card....
and have filed I751.....then you can divorce....or should you wait until
citizenship is done? This is just for the information....
Thanks for correcting. I should have added second (or third or fourth and so on) are not allowed in US. :D

You can do it in UAE, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India (only if you are Muslim), Saudi Arabia etc. :)

In short, countries where Muslim law are followed, completely or partially.

Al_aos said:
Yes you can.In saudia.....but that wont get you a green card :D
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nireehamdi said:
I would guess that after you get your permanent residency card....
and have filed I751.....then you can divorce....or should you wait until
citizenship is done? This is just for the information....

Somethig stinks here...
it sounds to me like someone who never went through the process and is getting misinformation.

if that were the case my wife would be citizen by now. (but thats another story)

probably 50 years ago that might have been the case but not anymore.

All my grandfather had to do was wait in a long long line on ellis island, go through the processing, a quick medical exam later and he became instantly a lawful permanent resident. Then again that was in 1920. :D
now legally a person cannot be married to two people at the same time.

however if the person got married in two different states or, better yet, two different countries then I don't think cis will ever find out about the other marriage but then again I wouldn't put my money on that.

their tendancy is not to go fishing for information unless they see something that peaks their interest. They are far more interested in verifying the documents you do provide.

I work in a county social services agency and I see similarities in what I do compared with a cis officer. we neither have the time nor the capability to go fishing for something like a second valid marriage license. However we do have to dig for information about income and assets because what they tell us is almost always wrong.

so they are going to verify that the marriage license is valid. They are going to verify those w-2's and 1040's. and they are going to verify b/c.
Can a person be married and marry another person and the green card.

Uncynsus--thanks for the valuable is alot to read....but I am reading
it..... the person is I would assume that he could divorce
his us citizen wife in his muslim country....after filing the i751......
TO get citizenship....does the couple still have to be married.....of course
this would be nice........

I don't think you read the post I pointed out earlier.

Anyway, it's going to be tough to remove condition on GC if you divorce in-between. If you are planning to divorce then finish the divorce proceeding and then file I-751 (petition to remove condition).

If I were you, I would get condition removed and then think about divorce.
Can A person be married and marry another person and get the green card...

Usnycus...... not planning a divorce at this time.... this is just mostly
for information.....he is muslim.... which post are you talking about...
I have read...but guess I missed something....I will have to read closer....
If an I-751 is filed jointly and then the couple divorces, the joint I-751 must be withdrawn and a new I-751 filed based on a good faith marriage that ended in divorce.