Can a 16 or 17 y/o children go alone at Biometric appointment for I90?


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Hello all, can a 16 or 17 y/o children go alone at Biometric appointment for I90? Or should a parent or a sibling older than 21 go with him?
You are 100% sure because we are out of the country for now and I have to book his/her air ticket for the biometric appointment? Anyway thanks a lot for having replied.
How long has he been outside the US? That might be more of an issue.

Another thing to consider is that a 16/17 year old whose GC is expiring must have had a GC for several years, long enough for one or both parents to obtain US citizenship. Are you and/or his other parent a US citizen? If yes, he may have automatically become a US citizen (if other conditions of the Child Citizenship Act have been met) and should be applying for a US passport, not a new green card.
He has been out for 1 month now and all our GC are almost 10 y/o that's why first we are renewing them all, later we'll see for citizenship.