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Calling the KCC


New Member
Hello guys!

Can any of you, that happens to live in the States, make a quick call to KCC and see if you can get the cut off numbers for September in advance?
Yeah, yeah, I know it is just a matter of time and there is a small chance to get the numbers by phone, but I think it is worth the shot...
I would call myself, but it will cost me a fortune!

So, if any "generous soul" could make that call, I will be (and a lot of others in this forums, I am sure) in an eternal debt with that person.

Anyway, thanks a lot in advance!
Thanks for the piece of advice, but that service is not available outside of the US as far as I know.
Hello guys!

Can any of you, that happens to live in the States, make a quick call to KCC and see if you can get the cut off numbers for September in advance?
Yeah, yeah, I know it is just a matter of time and there is a small chance to get the numbers by phone, but I think it is worth the shot...
I would call myself, but it will cost me a fortune!

So, if any "generous soul" could make that call, I will be (and a lot of others in this forums, I am sure) in an eternal debt with that person.

Anyway, thanks a lot in advance!
If you have iOS or Android smartphone you can make free phone calls to all numbers in US and Canada with MagickJack and Talkatone aplications... You just need to make a free registration and that's it.
Thanks for the piece of advice, but that service is not available outside of the US as far as I know.
No its available, few of my friends GFs use the service to call. But we cant make international calls from USA using the service.
Thank you guys! I've just seen your answers and I called (using gmail, you were right kchemist) but the KCC is closed. I will definitely try again tomorrow.
Yea, same scene man.. I called KCC & they were closed...
Think I will have to wait without sleeping to get them answered because of the time differences..
Mate it's just useless to call KCC, they will just give you automatic answer that visabulletin is ususally released about 15th every month.
Be patient , it may come out even tonight.
I just called and, as expected, brunash82 was right. A really nice fella told me to wait until the 15th (although it can be sooner).

Well, we will keep waiting! At least I tried! Lol
Guys just calm down for god sakes, u knew it they will said that, it's pontless to call them and ask something like that. Just be patient, everything gonna be ok:)