calling same IIO twice on same day..any problems??


Registered Users (C)
she recognised address and said I can understand your frustation..wait couple of more weeks..looks like white lady..she said we have some log book to track the calls etc..

guys please share ur exps..i am bit scared..FP done..reports came..file is on the shelf...she said waiting for an officer..
Please post complete case details. BTW, why would you want to call IIO twice in a day?...

Do you have a unique problem you are worried about? If so, explain your concern and somebody may be able to help you.
Dee Rod:I might loose job in next 2 weeks.<180 days..

thats why i called 2nd time to make sure what 1st one told this morning..but same lady came..but she is U think they may delay my case..looks like they can track all calls
you should be fine

don\'t think they will postpone just because calling them twice the same day
What did the 1st IIO tell you? Jeez, without complete details I doubt folks can help you.

Dee Rod:1st one/time said..all reports came..everything looks good..its on the shelf

waiting for an officer..she is very nice she listens
2nd time she said U called this morning..same words she repeated..
she didn\'t tell why u called again and again...she is very pleasant..not like asian ladies...but i am bit worried
What the IIO said applies equally to a May filer and possibly to a September filer. Nobody can do...

a risk assessment unless you present exact dates and other details. I am gonna try one more time... please post complete details.
Dee Rod: what details U need..FP done on 1/24..RD: July..AVM.process resumed

on 1/ main concern was with that same lady..

Dee Rod is asking for your details
rd (Receipt date)
nd (Notice date)
case number (wac-01-xxx-xxxxx) please suppress last 4 numbers
eb category
fp scheduled date
fp done date

The above details will help us advise you further
You have mentioned that you are less than 180 days and are concerned that you will lose your job
is this 180 days from receipt date or notice date
because if it is more than 180 days from receipt date then u can change jobs (AC21 portablility law)
rjngh2000 -

rd (Receipt date:8/27
nd (Notice date):9/24
case number (wac-01-293-xxxxx) please suppress last 4 numbers
country :India
eb category :EB3..PD:7/98
fp scheduled date:2/23
fp done date:1/24
AVM:resumed on1/31..

pl let me know if U need more info

You have filed on august 27
so that means 4 days in august + 30 days of september + 31 days of october + 30 days of november + 31 days of december + 31 days of January + 21 days upto today = 178 days
Technically you will be completing 180 days on February 23rd

and as you have mentioned that you may lose job in the next two weeks
I guess you will be okay because you have gone past the 180 day limit.
A friend of mine asked his company to extend his job by the number of days his leave was due. He had accumulated 17 days of leave over the years and though he was at home they paid him for 17 days and then let him go. Maybe you could do the same and technically you will still be getting pay cheque and in that time try searching for another job.

As far as IIO is concerned - Please refrain from calling IIO regularly

Make it a practice to check AVM at night once a week
and when you read on the board that august rd\'s are getting approved change avm check to twice a week

My 2 cents

the IIO can only help you in extreme circumstances like in age out case or delay in getting fp or incorrect avm message or change in address or delay in adjudication etc etc

Calling IIO in normal circumstances is just a waste of time and effort.

My 2 cents
rjngh2000:Thank U very much::1st time i did it..its my bad luck same lady came

do U think she put some special NOTE on my file....??
Thax for the good suggestions...let me talk to my manager

whats ur status rjngh2000 ??
calling IIO

I dont think they put adverse remark on your case just because u call twice in a day

But if you do it often they may do that

However it does not matter if you reach same iio or different iio

I have heard that they do log the calls and the brief details of the call also

My status is I am July 15 rd and avm says pending review

I think either there is a glitch in the avm or my agency reports still have not come

It is a waiting game I guess

I have two friends who did not do anything and are april filers and got approved just 2 weeks back

So I guess it really does not hurt much if you keep your cool

Best of luck
The fact that you spoke to the same lady the 2nd time is not the problem. However...

nobody really knows if calling the IIO \'s too frequently would trigger an RFE. There has been speculation in the past that it could.In the absence of firm conclusions, lets hypothesize a little:
Until now it was not conclusively known whether they log calls and store that info for a significant period or not. If it was just the lady remembering your case, then, everything is moot. Nothing negative can come from it. On the other hand lets say the system maintains a journal and these items are electronically connected to your case. Just like when you call customer service for say E*Trade and they make notes on the conversation which is visible to the next rep that you talk to. In this case, hypothetically the adjudicating officer can, out of curiosity or personal style pull up your journal and analyze what you have been calling IIO about. Maybe this officer has a threshold in mind. Lets say this threshold is 1 call a month. Maybe that indicates to the officer normal anxiety about processing. On the other hand if the officer notices you called every week that may raise a suspicion in his mind that you are worried about the circumstances of your case. That may be enough to make him generate an RFE. Again all this is hypothesis and not conclusive.
However, what can be achieved by calling an IIO very frequently? They can not make your case go faster. They only provide information from what they see on the screen. In rare cases, I remember that folks have had luck where an IIO had taken a printout of a case that has been inordinately delayed and brought it to the attention of a supervisor. You have a July RD. In normal circumstances your case should take at least 1 more month to be adjudicated. I suggest you do not call until you see consistent postings on this board saying that July RD cases have been assigned. Then you may call and expect to hear that your case too is assigned. You will know that you then are 2-3 weeks from approval.
Coming to your unfortunately losing your job in 2 weeks. Do you have any vacation banked that you could use to extend your notice period? Can your employer do anything to help you out for another month or so. Even if there is no other outcome but being out of a job in 2 weeks, start looking for another job immediately(I know, you don\'t need me to tell you that!). If you don\'t get an RFE, you are home free. If you do get an RFE, some folks have posted earlier that you should not respond immediately. Instead find a job with same/similar job description and then reply to the RFE.
BTW, If you are a July RD case, you are well past 180 days from RD.
Thank U Dee Rod for ur details mail::)).lets hope for the best..good luck to U::

...another thing, abt the 180 day rule

It has nothing to do with you being employed by the sponsooring firm for 180 days from your RD, it is based on the fact whether your case was adjudicated within 180 days of your RD. So for e.g. if your case was adjudicated within 180 days of RD and you were laid off by then, then I think they could invoke all kinds of clauses to invalidate that GC. The bottom line is that if your GC took longer than RD + 180 days to adjudicate, it should not matter if you were laid of 1 week after your RD. Of course if the INS asks you for an RFE for an emp. letter then you better get a similar job and quick. Anyway in couple of days you should be OK from the 180 day rule perspective (based on Rjngh\'s calculations). Goodluck with your GC and stop pestering the INS. We know how you feel...believe me we do - cuz we\'re all in the same bloody boat....Just hang in there!!!
calm down, dude

Just like rjngh2000 said, you need to think about this problem logically.
You are an august RD, and the California Service Centre is currently processing May/June cases.
Calling an IIO twice in one day is not going to make your case go any faster.

What it is going to do is prevent others, whose cases are legitimately overdue, from getting through to an IIO.
Instead of wasting 3 hours trying to get through to an IIO, why don\'t you spend that time looking for a new job.
I think it\'ll be time much better spent.... And don\'t worry about your case being &quot;logged&quot; into a secret file because you called too much. That\'s a classic case of paranoia run amuck.

If I were running the INS service centre, I\'d keep logs to track work loads of IIOs and not to persecute repeat callers. Then again, maybe they are trying to identify suspicious calling patterns, in which case you\'re screwed buddy :) (just kidding)
blinky:Thank U..ur talking about RD..but my actual PD is..7/98..whats to do??

where ru now in this journey??/..good luck::))