Caller Tracking at VSC


Registered Users (C)
Hi ,
Just to let you guys know.
VSC does keep a track of all calls that you may have made.
I gt this info when I called up IIO today in the morn.
Dont call up too frequently.

Track how many times you think & frustate ( Just kIDDING )

wHAT DO YOU THINK ? WHAT THEY WILL GET OUT OF THAT ( TRACKING EVERYONE TO DELAY THE Process ) Do you think they are getting paid to track everyone. please dont post this kind of messages.

When you call up and speak to an IIO, they put in an entry into their call logs. The next time u call up, they see teh call logs.
Today when i called up, the IIO mentioned about the last call details.
No kidding

How the hell they know you visted their websites? Has anyone registered as INS website member?

No kidding
I know

Don\'t know how to track people? I know: to visit this site all day long and write donw who posted what..... at the end of each month do a statistical work. What a smart guy! leave this job to people like AIndian.

Go to different topics, I suggest.
Hi beyond2001

I was just kidding. This question has been answered by somany times. That is true there is an entry in the memo of the call log. And also it has been mentioned earlier this is not affecting the approval.

Technically, this can be done.
Good for you

Jeeee! good for you. There are a lot new people coming on board every day and that does confuse them I think. Don\'t confuse people since we are all on the same boat. Good luck to Aindian and all!
I dont\' think it applies to calls to AVM.

They log calls if you talk with an IIO. INS can use the logs to better serve you or use them against you. Unless you feel something is wrong with your application, there\'s no need to talk to an IIO.