Called up IIO - Nov RD assigned to IIO


Registered Users (C)
RD Nov 2001, ND Dec 2001, FP Feb 2002...

Just the thought of it makes me feel so good. I could be the first november RD person to get the approval! Before even the first case of september!!

I wish, the INS phone was not busy when I called three times, today. How I wish, first time itself someone picked up the phone and gave me the good news.

Looks like there is going to be a long wait GUYS...Stay put...
This indeed is a good news!

It means sept and october cases have already been assigned. I heard somewhere that INS is planning mass approval after checking the background. I can\'t wait till the evening to check my case.
Keep checking the AVM message everyday.

Your case can be approved anytime, why can\'t today??
Probably they need you real fast, that\'s why they digged down the pile, picked up your application and assigned to the officer.
No Title

It seems he\'s just daydreaming and want to get attention. it\'s a "I wish" thing.
PatienceGC... You seem to be too pessimistic

How about these postings:

patienceGC "When can we expect October cases to be assigned" 5/23/02 2:39pm
patienceGC "When can we expect October cases to be assigned" 5/23/02 12:38pm
patienceGC "When can we expect October cases to be assigned" 5/23/02 11:17am
look buddy

I have made a lot of enemies around here. I am not going to say anything.

You want to believe this posting? Be my guest.
You want to believe Shantanu and Habib? Go right ahead.

dream boy dream

U\'r Nov case has already been approved. So what?
Go get a cup of coffee once you wake up.
Is it true?

Or, yet another hoax? Some people say dates are retrogressing, some say nov is assigned to IIO. Don\'t know who to believe and who not to.
Too good to be true...

But it is great to hear messages like that especially before long weekend. cheer up my friends, we all gonna get pass this waiting period.
Hey guys, Read carefully ... This is not real

If you read carefully. It says "Just the thought of it makes me feel so good. I could be the first november RD person to get the approval! " This means the guy who posted this did not really call IIO. It is just his thought how nice it will be if nov case is assigned to an office. But we all know it is not going to happen for several months....
Mr nov2001filer , would you please post clearly, which can make sense please

Nov\'01 assigned, and takes longgg time???

what does it mean ??
No Title

it\'s nice to dream or fantasize ....but don\'t express it on this forum creates confusion/excitement/disappoint ...

all these are anxious people waiting for their approval ....don\'t tease them
Nov2001filer - get a life and stop wasting other people\'s time. Damn your misleading mad

Guys, he states in the begininng "He is day-dreaming"

Aren\'t we all day dreaming that our case gets adjudicated the first