Called NSC for Case Status

thanks for that excitement, pork...

guys, it seems like the old biological adage is creeping in - it's amazing how nature could be biased towards the two genders in completely different ways. long live sociobiology!

p.s. ...and down with racism, whatever that might mean!
SirZ said:
Take a look at GCJalak's history of posting, he repeatedly produces quality evidences of behavior which is, in non-politically correct places, referred to as "being a genuine prick".

Fools act like fools because people react to it. If you ignore him, his existence is invalidated.

I would like to offer him the same suggestion that I offered to binLaden. Some doctor should do a sex change operation on him, then send him back to his Taliban friends. Cruelty aside, its amazing how differently guys like him would think if they were in a woman's body.

'Nuff Said. Flame away ;)

You Transvestite Fool .... I offer you the same ..... go to talibans and get your arse fu**ed up .... I see your comments outrageous and foolish as your thoughts are .... I've seen your comment against many in this forum argumentative and irrelavant ....

Better step into some one's shoes and think how they see things rather than going around and kissing somebody's arse ....

I think this is not the first time we had a fight .... and it is not new for you to fool around in this forum with BS of your kind .....

- Jha
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bottom line - expectations


I think it all depends on what one expects the end results would be from such a phone call. Based on previous notes being posted in this forum, they usually don't provide much more than what we alreadty know. Add that fact to our level of frustration, due to waiting time, and such, granted - clashes will happen. Having said that, there will always be one customer care representative that will be more attentive to a customer's request and that is good, but we have to realize that most CCR's don't know much more than we all do and can't go into the "back office", talk to the officer about our case and come up with an answer. I don't think they sit together, and with the amount of cases they's just not doable.
so cheers to all, and have a good weekend,

GCJhalak is a bigot

Just because the Green Card process is very frustrating and the USCIS very incompetent does not change the fact that this GCJhalak is a bigot. If we started taking our frustrations out on other people in a non-constructive way and others started to condone it, then our society is going to hell. There are much more important things in life than this little piece of plastic called the Green Card. I hope no one would ever have to depend on GCJhalak because that just seems a dangerous situation to me.
GCJhalak said:
You Transvestite Fool .... I offer you the same ..... go to talibans and get your arse fu**ed up .... I see your comments outrageous and foolish as your thoughts are .... I've seen your comment against many in this forum argumentative and irrelavant ....

Better step into some one's shoes and think how they see things rather than going around and kissing somebody's arse ....

I think this is not the first time we had a fight .... and it is not new for you to fool around in this forum with BS of your kind .....

- Jha

Thank you for confirming my assertion, GCJhalak. Keep up the good work. BTW, how on earth did you fool an american company into sponsoring you... I thought even sweat-shops have SOME degree of standards.

PS. you should REALLY listen to the advice you give. Im talking about "better step into someone's shoes..." not the one involving sexual relations with relatives that you sent in your private message. Oh, and its rather hypocritical, don't you think, that you yap about "this is a public forum so I do what I want" principles, then you send me a private message (and I do use the word in the loosest sense, incoherent foulmouth babbling would probably be more descriptive) titled "Keep your mouth shut".
SirZ said:
Thank you for confirming my assertion, GCJhalak. Keep up the good work. BTW, how on earth did you fool an american company into sponsoring you... I thought even sweat-shops have SOME degree of standards.

PS. you should REALLY listen to the advice you give. Im talking about "better step into someone's shoes..." not the one involving sexual relations with relatives that you sent in your private message. Oh, and its rather hypocritical, don't you think, that you yap about "this is a public forum so I do what I want" principles, then you send me a private message (and I do use the word in the loosest sense, incoherent foulmouth babbling would probably be more descriptive) titled "Keep your mouth shut".

Dude/Dudette SirZ.....

Nuff of this self righteous PSYCHO BABBLE BS. The forum is for communicating one's experiences. You gotta stop being a jugdmental lunatic. Following a lot of your posts, you r the one consuming bytes and time in the forum lashing out diktats and trying to 'Godfather' conversations.
simonefuchs said:
Dude/Dudette SirZ.....

Nuff of this self righteous PSYCHO BABBLE BS. The forum is for communicating one's experiences. You gotta stop being a jugdmental lunatic. Following a lot of your posts, you r the one consuming bytes and time in the forum lashing out diktats and trying to 'Godfather' conversations.

GCJhalak, only a weak mind would make another account and come back trying to protect yourself :). (The lack of facts in your statements is what gave you away...also who in their right mind would defend an offensive bigot?). Anyhow, you are getting boring now consider yourself ignored for good.

Remember, in life everything catches up with you. One day the supernatural entity(ies) referred to as god(s) will return to you what you dole out to others. Sayonara.
simonefuchs said:
Dude/Dudette SirZ.....

Nuff of this self righteous PSYCHO BABBLE BS. The forum is for communicating one's experiences. You gotta stop being a jugdmental lunatic. Following a lot of your posts, you r the one consuming bytes and time in the forum lashing out diktats and trying to 'Godfather' conversations.

I have written my experience with the reps and didn't want anybody to misinterpret it .... I didn't give my opinion to this forum on entire female species ... it's the incompetent reps I was talking about ...

This Sirz is a lunatic and can get that info from his/her/his-her present or prior posts.

Enough said abt this arse hole and I hope I made my point to this whole bunch of female .... political right crooks .... that its my experience with the female reps who gave absolutely nothing and NOT my ideology abt the female SPECIES.

- Jha