Called NSC.. details for CP approved I140..


Registered Users (C)
The IIO said they are waiting for Orginal I140.
He said he cannot say where they sent the request to.
He also said he cannot say when they sent out the request.
But, one thing he said is they did not get response in 120 days
from the first request and sent an anothe one. Since with no dates given,
I can not figure anything except one thing they are working on my case.

My RD 12/19/2000. I assumed they opend my case about 4 months back
and waiting to connect I140 with I485.

My case is in Chennai Consulate. Chennai said last week, they have not
received anything from INS.
Pillar to Post case now....
ND 2/6/01. Have heard EXACTLY the same story Mar & Apr

But another IIO told me mid-May that my file was assigned to an examiner. No information about whether they will need the file back from Chennai.
For 5thYearNSC

RD/ND Mar,2001. I called NSC last week. The IIO told me the exact same story as he told you. When asked, he even told me to call back after 6 months. He was not willing to talk any further. But, I called NVC and found out that my file is in New Delhi. After that, I tried to call the U.S consulate in New Delhi. Tried for three days, could not talk to anyone in the immigration visa section. It is always busy or nobody will answer. The lady who picks up the main line is rude. I am confused now. Can anyone suggest anything ?

5thYearNSC! Is there a way we can be in touch about the isuue ? If you are willing to talk, I can call you or post my telephone number.
How come so many ppl are having similar issue

My I-140 was also sent to Madras by NVC because in our I-140 we
opted for consular processing but applied for 485 after 140
got approved.

Ron Gotcher told me that although NVC sends the file to a consulate,
Service centers can still get original approvals from records center.
Why is it not happening ? I bet majority of 2000 cases that are not approved have similar issues.

Mine finally got approved couple of weeks ago. My ND is 09/25/00
Thank you uc123 for sharing your info. I know that we will get the approval one day. The thing is th

Hi mandu, ...

I got reply
from Madras thru email. Emails seem to work better.
I always get the reply the next day. I received replies
4 times in the past 2 months. I have been sending emails
every 2 weeks. You can try email approach.

Even while we are trying to figure out or find out what\'s going on
here, we still can not do anything no matter what you know or not
know about the status of your case!@

My last approach will be thru Senator, if case is not approved by
end of June. As I understand from other postings, even thru
Senator or COngressman, your case needs to close to approval.
In other cases, people are still waiting by workign with Sentor or
Congressman, as much as more a months time. So, be coooooool in life
and enjoy the summer.
Info from

"I-140s Sent to NVC or Consulate

In some instances, individuals select consular processing at the I-140 (Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker) stage, but change their minds and proceed with Adjustment of Status. In such cases, the I-140 underlying the I-485 may have already been transferred to the National Visa Center or the selected consulate abroad. When this occurs NSC cannot make a decision on the I-485 but it requests the I-140 file returned from the National Visa Center or the consulate and will have to hold the I-485 in abeyance until the I-140 package is back at NSC. "

Here is my question. Is this a problem only with @#$%ing NSC or all the service centers? Because I don\'t see any other service center people talking about it. and also , is this a problem for people whose country of birth is India?

Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Hi rpt2k

I asked this question to attorney Ron Gothcher. According to him
NVC sends only electronic copy to Madras consulate and the original
goes to INS records center. When NSC is ready to process I-485 they
request it from records center. Apparantly thats not what is happening. One of those 3 orgs (NVC, NSC or consulate) is screwed up and files are not being sent properly. I can\'t believe service centers still have to rely on paper documents rather than their electronic systems to validate prior approvals.
Hi 5thYearNSC

I suggest you contact your senator right now. It takes few weeks
to months before anybody will do anything. At least in my case
I beleive the NSC\'s congressional liaison specialist made all the difference. Your case is at least 5 months beyond normal processing
time and it is long enough that you can approach them.

My lawyer told me the same shit. But It is not true. But it seems that it is an issue only with NSC.

My RD is in July 2001. God knows how long I have to wait.
NSC 402-323-7830 always busy????

I tried to call IIO several times, it always gives busy line.
Does any body have idea to get to them?


Hang in there !!!! Although easier said than done, your attitude of being calm and having patience in this difficult waiting game is a lesson to everybody.... Hope you and all others who have been waiting for a long time get their approvals real soon.
