Called IIO Jan/03 3pm


Registered Users (C)
She said wait for 3-5 months to get FP.

EB2, ND 15/OCT/99, PD current, FP:waiting, Country:eek:thers

As per IIO,
VSC is still processing AUG/SEP\'99 case. It may take another 3 months to complete. Too may RFE case has been send out. Volume is too high in the month of AUG/SEP.
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I also called VSC today. EB2 India PD Oct 98.. I485 RD Sep99/NDOct99
No FP yet and I was told 45 to 60 days. You never know what they tell and I am sure whatever they tell is usually wrong.....
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It\'s pretty depressive to say the least...folks like you and me, who are patiently waiting for VSC to come around to the Oct/Nov applications are really getting a raw deal...

I agree that there are quite a few people in Aug/Sep who are still waiting...

Compare this to CSC which is processing applications recieved in
August 2000...and Consular Processing is also a *lot* faster...but, we just are stuck since it\'s too late to pull out the application and
apply for CP...and VSC is taking it\'s own time to process...
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I think people who are from country others should have already received their FP notice. According to many posts on this board, VSC is only withholding FP from the Indians and Chinese whose RD or ND fall in the range of Oct.99 – March.00.

Did you mention to IIO that you are from country others during the call?
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yoyo, Thanks for your reply. I did not mention about my country. I will call them today.
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This board is for Genuine people so don\'t waste our time I know exactly who you are so don\'t be smart and just get out.
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I called IIO again and got same response. Still lot of people other than china and India are waiting for FP.
So I got wait for few more months
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DesiAmerican, I don\'t know what kind of human you are. You have been posting with vulgar words and your own absurd info as your co-worker or your friends. I know your are such a shame less human.

Mind your own business otherwise I will report you to web police.