Called IIO. I was told I don't have to do 2nd FP


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My 1st FP has expired in July. I didn't hear anything from NSC regarding 2nd FP.

This morning I just call the 1800 number, and an IIO told me that I don't have to do 2nd FP.

Is it true? Please help me. I am really frustrating.

My Dates:
RD Sept 2001
ND Oct 2001
RFE Dec 2002
Well i had some other info

I called IIO. Yesterday for my wifes Fp. her FP expired June 2003. I was told to contact local BSIC office as they co-ordinate the Fp Process.
First of all How do we know that our finger prints are expired? Do we get a notice about that? We did our fingerprints on 11/15/2002. Appreciate your help guys.
If your FP expires you must take FP again!

Folks in my opinion the person you talk to at 1-800-blahblah number doesn't know any bit more than what we know about I-485 processing. I have started to ask the person I get after dialing 800 number that Sir/Madam I would like to have a word with an IIO for X.Y.Z reason and then I get to talk to a real IIO who knows what the heck he/she is talking about.

Here is my take on what you were told, I think all that person meant was no need to go and take FP before you get a notice from BCIS advising you to do so. You can't even take FP without a notice.

I was under the impression that FP notice are generated automatically as I got mine exactly on the day my FP expired.


I agree on most of your comments buddy. Except the automatic part, my 1st FP almost expired 2 months ago and no sign what's so ever for the second FP notice. I called the 800# and he told me "it's all in the process" (which I guess that means if I get it then my day is close), and it sounds like that JC penny commercial:)

Slave-until-gc and Shamu2002,

Did you do electronic FP in your first FP?
Somebody told me if you did electronic FP, then the data was stored, and the stored data can be used in 2nd FBI FP verification. So by that way we don't need really do 2nd FP. I have no idea is it true.
(non) Electronic FP

Are there people out there whose FP's are not electronic?

I got my fingerprint taken electronically on 2/02 and no words since. Cooldami, I hope you're right, though, where did you hear that from?

So far, I thought that the electronic scanning was the only way they retrieve our FP's...