Called IIO 02/28


Registered Users (C)
I talked to an IIO in the morning. He said they are currently processing Dec 01 ND cases. When I mentioned my RD is 10/31/01, ND is 12/10/01, he re-stated that they are processing based on ND, so I need to wait. When I asked whether my case is assigned to an officer, he said he cannot give that information, but I should hear something from them within 30 days.

I didn't bother to argue the RD/ND mystery, but apparently INS is working late Oct/early Nov RD cases, since these all have around Dec01 ND.

16 months waiting now, will plus one more if lucky. remember one year ago everyone was talking about 9-10 months processing time?
They should add another law of counting pending 485 time towards citizenship. this will alleviate some pain.
Bullshit IIO

You can never expect consistent information from the IIO. Sometimes I feel they just play games with us. I don't know if we should believe them or not.
Don't rely solely on IIO, they are just customer representatives. Just like when you dial 1-800 to call your phone or credit card company, they are the people who answer your call. I don't think why they are called officers, they are not. Do not confuse the IIO with real officer, like Adjunction Officer who really handles and makes decisions on your case. Those are just separate and different levels of positions. In short, IIOs do not make decisions on your case and they have limited knowledge regarding the immigration procedures and they can only stare at their computer screen trying to figure out what they are.:mad:
Soke to IIO

We got the same answer when my wife called yesterday 02-27-2003. Our RD is Nov. 8th and ND Dec. 10th. The IIO told my wife that they are working on late Oct. till Nov. 01 RD, which is end of Nov. till Dec. 01, I guess. (Its just my guess).

India / EB2
RD - 11/08/2001
ND - 12/10/2001
AD - ???

Spoke to IIO

We got the same answer when my wife called yesterday 02-27-2003. Our RD is Nov. 8th and ND Dec. 10th. The IIO told my wife that they are working on late Oct. till Nov. 01 RD, which is end of Nov. till Dec. 01 ND, I guess. (Its just my guess).

India / EB2
RD - 11/08/2001
ND - 12/10/2001
AD - ???
