Called CSC IIO.......Here is my conversation, interesting theory......

PD:12/00, EB3 (RIR- INDIA), WAC-01-266-xxx, FP:done on Jan\'02, Process Resume on Jan 17th, AD:??????

I asked her whether my wife\'s FP and mine came to INS.

IIO: let me check (after sometime) she told me she got on Feb 15th.

When I will get my approval?

IIO: I can\'t tell you bcoz your file is not with me.

I asked her it\'s with officer\'s desk?

IIO: she told me that there are thousands of FP applican\'y waiting for approval and Officer\'s will see on computer and they will APPROVE. And she didn\'t tell me where is my file, she told officer doen\'t need ur file to approve(WOW). After sometime she told me that she is going to send note to officer.

Gurus, what\'s the theroy here so all our applications are scanned into computer and officers will log into computer and APPROVE?

BTW this si the 3 rd time I called in 3 months.

I had called a month back

and IIO told me that my background checks have been received on 01.10.02 and she will send a note to officer to expedite.

Here I am still waiting!!!!
Call only if u have to

It has been observered that calling IIO will only help if your case has been serioulsy delayed. As per, calling INS for status information on update can cause you more harm than help, since they keep track of all the calls. Therefore, only call when the need is really urgent and case is delayed.
My personal view is that CSC does not log any calls

CSC tells that to attorney\'s to discourage people from calling too many times. I have seen many people posting on this forum who called many times and still got approved at the right time.

This is akin to folks hanging the "Beware of Dogs" sign outside their house, but they do not own a dog.

I am sure lot of guys are too scared to call CSC because they are afraid that their case will be delayed. I understand their fear and I am one of them too. But don\'t you think CSC has achieved what it wanted????

That IIO was talking out of her hat! How do they generate an RFE if they don\'t look at your file? They could scan your documents for the officer to view online? I think not. The Evidence of status documentation for my case went over 20 pages. How could they scan all that and copies of both my old and new passports. My case file would probably be close to 100 pages thick. You just got a raw IIO or someone who just does not care.
Dee Rod

I am not sure how sophisticated INS\'s technology really is ?. But scanning 100 sheets per persons record is no big deal. In Fact most of FBIs files are scanned and stored in multiple locations.

But I really believe INS may not do that.


Imagine the human process involved in scanning 100 sheets for each case (Ok, on the high side). They have hundreds of thousands of cases. Also think of all the space needed by these scanned images. How about access time? I also know that they printout FBI\'s FP report for your case and physically add it to your case file. Why would they do that if they did everything online. Also, they need your A-File before they can adjudicate your case. That is definitely not online. I can give some more examples but really my point was that there is no way they adjudicate based on what they see online. I am sure they update status online based on reviewing hardcopy documentation. Technologically, it is possible, but at INS, I am afraid Not!.