Call for refingerprinting

Silly Man

Volunteer moderator
Anyone who'se FP's are expiring soon, did you, and when did you get calls for refingerprinting?

My FP's expire end of April (this month), and I haven't heard anything from BCIS yet.
Silly man,

My wife did her first fingerprints on 11/27/2001 and she got fingerprint redo letter on 04/05/03 as her previous one expired, so we did her redo on 04/10/03 and her message changed on 04/15/03 that we have received your fingerprints on 04/15/03 and processing has resumed on your case.
Her previous message was that we have received your fingerprints on 01/11/02.
I am primary in our processing and she is dependent and our WAC # is 01-268-*****

Thanks longpending, 01/11/02 + 15 mo's = 5/11/03, so you got your letter more than a month b4 they actually expired .. what the hell is INS doing .. LOL.

(11/27/2001 +15 months = 03/27/2003 <--- do they go by that date instead???) Lets wait for more answers :) Thanks though.
My wife(Primary) and I(dependant) had our fingerprinting done in December, 2001. My case was approved in June 2002. Her online and AVM message said all along ".... received fingerprints January 16, 2002."
Last week she received fingerprint letter scheduled for May 6, 2003. She went ahead and finished fingerprinting again on April 15, 2003. Last time we checked, Online and AVM said ".... received fingerprints January 2002."

hehe cmjorn, if you get an extra green card, pass it on.

It seems 15 months is a rough ballpark figure, which means, with the current amount of FP Redo's, we might be in for a longer wait than 15 months for FP redo.
Do we have figure of those folks who got approvals after 2nd FP. Since my feeling is after 2nd FP there will be another waiting period ,INS will have another 15 months to sit on our cases.
What is the waiting period after 2nd FP ?
And who sends the 2nd FP notices is it CSC(as organization ) or IIO who might be handling your case ?

I got a notice from INS to redo FP, and have an appointment on May 10th. MY first FP was done in Nov 2001. Does anyone have a clue how long would it take after FP is redone?

ND: 09/27/01
Originally posted by sacpat74
Does anyone have a clue how long would it take after FP is redone?

ND: 09/27/01

It will take another 15 months for next FP
True that INS gets an extra 15 months to sit on our cases now. Though, from some press releases I get the distinct impression, that INS is going to be in no hurry to send out FPing notices. Instead they will wait till your case comes up in the JIT and then send you FP notice and then approve. But that is again my opinion.
Let me rephrase my question... I know, its unpredictable, but does anyone know, how long would it take to approve case after FP is redone?

"At the present time, the CSC is using two methods to identify expired fingerprints and/or fingerprints that will expire prior to the adjudication of the I-485. On an individual case basis, if the adjudicating officer determines that the fingerprints have expired, she is required to order a fingerprint scheduling request. In addition, the CSC is working to identify all I-485 cases with fingerprints that will expire prior to adjudication, and is having fingerprint appointments be scheduled"

sacpat74, I think because your WAC-01-296 is too old, there was first method for your FP, I mean your case was on adjudicating officer table. But nobody knows what she done with your case after scheduling FP.
I know about my wife's case it has been more than two months since she did 2nd FP and interview on the same day.

As per my lawyer it may take 4-6 months.
In my case the lawyer contacted the INS twice by fax to request new FP. I gave them in Dec01, received in Jan 02. RFE in Dec for Empl. Verif.

Does the INS request new fp even after they already started working on the case (RFE request), or they will always request new FP. In this second scenario we are in a catch 22 with no end.
Our finger prints were done in Jan 2002. And we just received an RFE to redo the finger prints. The online message change only for the primary applicant. But we receive the notification by mail for my spouse too.
What i have learnt from my expreince, any time before approval they can ask you for 2nd FP.

My wife got interview letter and after interview the officer said you need to do 2nd FP since it has been 15 months.

So you can see , RFE, NO RFE , no interview or interview 2nd FP is must if 1st one is expired before approval.

Still nothing on your wife's case huh? I can't understand why it would take time to process a case after interview. What does your lawyer have to say about this delay? This is absolutely intolerable, it has been over 2 months since the interview, and still no approval?

Lawyer says the same bullshit "it will take 4-6 months", she sent an inquiry also but no result.

But meanwhile I have applied for EAD.
redo figner printing

We received to redo finger print in mail. Online and phone message is still RFE was received. (02-033-5xxxx)