Call for an action!!! - Let\'s do something for ourself.


Registered Users (C)

I think it is a time for us to do something to push TSC a little bit. We have tried serveral compaigns to push TSC during the I-140 and I-485 before. You may say it does not help too much but I think at least we should let them know what we are thinking. Give them some pressure otherwise they feel nothing. Let\'s draft a letter or use the old to send related people, TSC, INS, Senate, Congressman.

We are open for any good suggestion for the action!

Qixin Zuo (RD:03/09/01; ND: 03/19/01; Details on the tracker)
Lets do it.

There is so much disparity. I think we will have to fight ourselves.

Here are my thoughts,

Why TSC filers should suffer more?

Didn\'t we pay the same amount of fees?

Why a such a big backlog?

September 11 incident should affect all the service centers and not just TSC. There is definitely something wrong going on at TSC.

duhh.. Is this America?
The letter should be in general. Here\'s another SAMPLE LETTER:

Dear Sir/Ms,

Request for your assistance to make TSC more efficient like other Service centers.

I, one of the (44,223+) I-485 (Adjustment of Status) Applicants in the Texas Service Center would like to inform your office about the major disparity in the I-485 processing time in the TSC - Texas Service Center compared to all other centers ( CSC – California Service Center, VSC – Vermont Service Center, NSC – Nebraska Service Center)
Various Processing reports for all the service centers indicate that Texas Service Center is the slowest. The TSC is still working on late 1999/ Early 2000 cases. This has been the same for over 6 months. Other Service centers have been working to cut down the processing time to within the 180 day INS processing time target since late last year.

Listed below are the processing times in various service centers:

VSC - Currently processing cases filed in June 2001.
NSC - Currently processing cases filed in April 2001
CSC - Currently processing cases filed in May 2001
TSC - Currently processing cases filed in March 2000

As a direct comparison, CSC and TSC regularly handle about the same number of cases.
So there is no reason why TSC cannot adjudicate cases faster than they currently are.
Although, we know that processing times in the four service centers cannot be exactly identical, we do however feel that TSC can do better.

We know that in the past, individuals have contacted your office regarding their individual cases, but we feel that it is time to collectively express our dilemma, frustrations and concerns with the manner in which our cases are being handled.
Most of us have been waiting patiently for a decision from TSC for almost 2 years, but haven’t heard anything so far. Our fingerprints are expiring or already expired.
For those of us who filed employment based immigrant application, we are constantly living in fear of losing our jobs in this current delicate economy.

We therefore would like to ask for your assistance in appealing to Texas Service Center to adjudicate our I-485 cases in a more expeditious manner.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Address to send the letter.

Thanks a lot for the involvement and support. Here are some address to send.
Thanks for the great sample letter. Actually I am writing one myselft but this sample letter is the best. Let us use it. I find the following information as reference to you guys regarding where to send the letter. correct me if any information is wrong.

 Let us unite to change our fate here in USA!

Qixin Zuo (President, Vice President, your Senates, your Congressman)

James W. Ziglar
Immigration and Naturalization Service
425 I ("Eye") Street, NW
Washington, DC 20536

Immigration and Naturalization Service
Texas Service Center
P.O. Box 851488
Mesquite, TX 75185-1488

Attorney General John Ashcroft
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

The processing time on the sample letter should be changed little bit according to the newest update

But TSC is still one year behind other centers.
THis letter can be used at any time, until TSC catchs up others.
Writing letters is not working, so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have sent letters to many people (INS Commissioner, Deputy Executive Commissioner -Immigration Services Division, Director-Asst. Directors-Deputy Directors at TSC and AILA Executive Committee) about the random processing, slow and inconsistency processing at TSC. I have sent emails/fax to the leading attorneys about the same. Nothing happened. It\'s my personal view that nothing happens with these letters. Just they will through these letters in to dust bins.
   If people joins with me, I thinking of we could organize for the peaceful protest at the TSC building. It\'s not illegal. Our intention is to focus on the issue. Just we will be holding the placards/ banner at the TSC for may be one hour. We will be inviting Dallas Morning News/Fort-Worth Telegram/ Desi Masala Radio station and etc. If it is required we will get the permission from The Dallas Police Department also. We will not be disclosing our original names and we could keep it anonymous. Just I am thinking about it and once it forms in to proper shape then we talk about the action plan. We have to get some more inputs from our attorneys. I have posted the similar question at (Click Bulletin Board -> INS General -> Adjust to permanent resident status. And look for my question at \'By Anonymous on Wednesday, June 5, 2002 - 12:36 pm:\' and reply at \'By ImmigrationHelp on Monday, June 10, 2002 - 05:41 pm:\').

   AILA Annual Conference is going on right now (June 12-16). Most of the leading attorneys and top INS officials and Service Center Directors are attending this conference. I have requested Ms. Sheela Murthy to bring up this issue at the conference. Just I have to see what happens.

    There is no other way. We need not be scared. We have to united together to solve our problems.

     Please post your opinions.

I agree with Venkat Kodi that in all likelihood, nothing will happen by writing

these letters as I have seen many times people getting together in this board and sending letters but I don think it has worked. At the same time, I disagree with Venkat Kodi that doing a protest will work.

So the question is what will work? I dont know. Does this mean we should do nothing, NO. We need to think about what we need to do to bring any changes. One thing that I think about is drawing media attention to this issue. And I do not mean some local newspaper or local TV station. It has to be big networks like ABC,CBS,NBC,FOX,CNN etc. at national level. How do we do this, I dont know. I guess we need to write to these big names journalists, like Bill O\' Riley, Pter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, etc and convince them to cover our story. The point we will be making to them is that there is so much talk/coverage is there in the media about illegal immigrants/other immigration issue. But there is no one to listen to the plight of the legal immigrants who are fighting to get thier application through the INS center and there is no accountability anywhere in the system. People are helpless and suffering.

We need some help/contact through someone. They are not going to cover any story just like that.
Good idea!!!

NPR (National Public Radio) has talked about H-1B issues serveral times. I think it is easiest media to approach. We also can approach ABC, CNN....I will write a letter to them to tell them our story and see what happens. Let us modify the previous letter to make it target to big media. More people send out this kind of letter more attention they will give to us. Let us try it, maybe it is a very good approach...

Qixin Zuo
I\'m in!!!

Just let me know what I need t o do . I am so frustrated with TEXAS center now. They can\'t play with people\'s life like that. its just not fair. Like everyone else here, I\'m losing so many years of my life wiating for the 485 to get approved!!!
Let\'s roll!!!!
Using Local and Cable Television

Hello All,

I think using local and cable television is a good idea.

Lets do it.

Go Lakers!
Sending letters worked on I-140 stage, so will work for 485...

At begining of this year, I-140 took about 1 year to approve, lots of people like me sent letters to congressman/senitor/INS director..., it worked: in the following month, since then, I-140 processing time reduced to 9 monthes, 7 monthes, 5 monthes, 3 monthes.

So, more people send letters, more pressure will put on these people.
Let\'s try it.

I also agree to other apporches...
Our efforts should not loose the momentum at this time.

Everytime some how it is loosing the momentum and getting stopped in the middle. We will have a strong strategic plan, so that TSC could realize about the problems. I doubt it whether TSC knows all these problems including the inconsistency.
   CSC informed that if any one didn\'t received the FP notice after 120 days they could call CSC to get it scheduled. Other centers are sending the FP notices after 4-6 months of filing and approving in 3-4 months time. Right now, CSC is processing Aug-Oct \'01 cases and we could expect some thing when would a particular case will be approved. But we can not expect anything from TSC. Even TSC doesn\'t know which cases they are processing. May be it will take 10 days or 24 months after FP. There is no consistency which makes us so frustrated.
   Please, we have to work together atleast this time to focus the issue in a big way, so that TSC will realize about our problems.
   My PD 07/98 EB2 (Regular) - RD 06/28/01 ND 07/25/01 - NO FP
A little revise: TSC 485 Currently Processing cases filed on July 1, 2000

I believe this is the latest update on the processing time.
Forget the argument. Let\'s do it!

We need to start to something for our self. Let\'s send the letter first! We need more people to send letters. Could some come up with
a list so we all send letters to people in the list. If there is
enough letters, we may get the attention.

Let\'s do the first step first, we have the sample letters here, can
some one come up with list of people that we should send to?
Check my previous message-"Address to send letter"

If you come out some other people list please let all of us know. At this point, let us send the letter to President, Vice President, Director of DOJ, INS Commissioner, TSC Director, Your Senates, Your Congressman, etc.. Thanks.

Qixin Zuo