Bush's immigration plan is under fire


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Bush Immigration Plan Draws Criticism

EL PASO, Texas (Jan. 8) - President Bush's immigration proposal got a mostly cool response from those who grapple with the issue, with conservatives saying it goes too far, immigrant rights groups saying it doesn't go far enough and some Hispanic groups calling it a hollow electioneering ploy.

Bush says his proposal won't provide amnesty for foreigners who are in the U.S. illegally.

Many Republicans balked at the bureaucratic headaches ahead, and at the idea of rewarding illegal immigrants, while many of the very people Bush intends to help said the plan doesn't give them what they want: citizenship.

The president's temporary worker program unveiled Wednesday would offer undocumented workers who can show they have a job - or a job offer for those still in their home countries - an initial three-year work permit that would be renewable for an unspecified period.

Some immigrants were encouraged by the possibility of having some 8 million illegal foreign workers estimated to be in this country granted legal status and the protection of U.S. laws.

''From nothing to this, well, at least that's a good start,'' said Florencio Guzman Silva, a 60-year-old bricklayer from Mexico, who waited with 100 other people at a day labor center in Phoenix, Ariz.

But Lucas Benitez, one of the founders of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, which represents thousands of immigrants who work mostly in agriculture and in service sectors in Florida, questioned Bush's motives.

''It's a political ploy to get Hispanic votes, like in the 2000 presidential election,'' Benitez said. ''The proposal only benefits the industries. It exploits the work force that has always been unprotected and it lowers the workers' salaries even more.''

On the other end of the spectrum, David Ray, spokesman for the Washington-based Federation For American Immigration Reform, which advocates limits on immigration, argued that Bush's policies undermine American workers' wages and encourage illegal immigration.

''It's mind-boggling that in the midst of economic recovery with 9 million people jobless, President Bush would propose this,'' Ray said. ''It's going to have a dire effect on wages for American families. It will cause huge displacement of American workers. We will witness how American jobs are given away right before our eyes.''

The Bush administration - sensitive to conservatives who oppose any reward for those who broke the law when they entered the United States - said it is not proposing blanket amnesty for illegals and the program is not linked to the green card process, which grants citizenship.

Some immigrant rights groups expressed disappointment at that omission, saying permanent citizenship should be extended to millions of hardworking, taxpaying immigrants and their family members.

''What we need is comprehensive reform that includes a generous legalization component, labor rights protections and guarantees of family unification,'' the New Mexico-based group Somos Un Pueblo Unido said in a statement Wednesday.

Other observers focused on the implications for American businesses
Bush under fire (continued)

Josh Bernstein, director of federal policy for the National Immigration Law Center, which promotes immigrants' rights, said while businesses will be more free to hire immigrant labor, they won't escape federal oversight and paperwork.

''This, in the long run, is more complicated to administer. It becomes more bureaucratic. That's going to undermine the whole intent of bringing people out from under the shadows. They'd feel it's a trap,'' he said.

But Cindy Ramos-Davidson, chief executive officer of the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, said the proposals will help business owners fill service jobs that Americans don't want and help farmers who can't afford machines to harvest their crops.

''I am optimistic,'' she said, ''about the possibilities this proposal could open up.''

So was Jaime Moreno, a 28-year-old field worker from Guanajuato, Mexico, who said he almost drowned three years ago as he crossed the Rio Grande, part of a passage that cost him $640.

He now lives with his wife in the South Texas town of San Benito, and believes Bush's proposal will help immigrants if they no longer have to pay smugglers or undertake perilous crossings.

However, Moreno wishes the plan was broader.

''I'd want to have papers that are like real papers for work, that we could work wherever we want - instead of just a paper that lets me work in just one job and that's the only place,'' Moreno said.

AP-NY-01-08-04 0334EST
Damn, bush doesn't care for people who are waiting for green cards such as asylees,

temporary work program will get green card alot of faster
why not let asylee get green card for who have worked for 6 years in US immediately.
NO matter what anyone says that "THIS DOES NOT LEAD TO Green CARD"..ITs bunch of crap. are you telling me that once they are given legal status they will be kicked out after 3 years?? I dont know if anyone read it or not but bush also said that they could "apply" for green cards. Its just another un-skilled H1 visa. When H1 visa was to be issued, ppl said the same thing..its temporary....but mostly H1 come here and apply for GC once they have sponsorship from employer..this is the same thing..no matter how we asylee fool ourselves...
I think you are the only one who is "fooling" yourself. What does this proposal have to do with asylees?

The annual limit for employment-based green card is about 200,000. 8,000,000 will qualify for this temporary status. See how long it will take for them to get a gc even if they meet the requirements!

Again, this has nothing to do with asylum at all.

I thought Bush said the current proposal will not promise the path to GC or citizenship for the illegals. I thought he just wants to give them temporary (3yrs to be exact) permit to stay and work legally in the US. I think the main idea of this proposal is to document these people and collect taxes from them.

And don't forget this is just a proposal and I think it needs to go through the Congress to become a law. A lot of wording, terms and conditions of the proposal can change when it goes thru the legislative process. So let's wait and see what happens.
Originally posted by JackIsBack

A lot of wording, terms and conditions of the proposal can change when it goes thru the legislative process. So let's wait and see what happens.

Well put.
Bush said in his speech that he will be leaving for some summit in Mexico within days. May be this proposal is just an attempt to make him look good at the summit when he meets Vincente Fox and other S. American leaders.
I dont think the proposal is an attempt to win the votes in the coming elections because even pro-immigration people dislike rewarding the illegals.
Originally posted by JackIsBack
Bush said in his speech that he will be leaving for some summit in Mexico within days. May be this proposal is just an attempt to make him look good at the summit when he meets Vincente Fox and other S. American leaders.
I dont think the proposal is an attempt to win the votes in the coming elections because even pro-immigration people dislike rewarding the illegals. I think legal immigrants are the most to suffer from this deal because they would have to compete with these illegal guys in the job market. Not to mention the legalization process of these guys is gonna overload the already heavily congested INS bureaucratic mechanism.
Hi guys. Wasn't here for a while and missed you all.
I agree, it dues look like election ploy and it is geared to create a guest-worker status, who can live in US forever without getting anything other than legal employment. This kind of status is common in Europe, but new for US. It might suit fine for certain people, but I am looking for a live here not just earn money and leave.