broken heart due INS Vermont--no approval


No approval. Oct 1 (rd)--Officer has probably taken a long leave of absence. Why Not, no body can do anything to him.

same old message on line and avm. when will I hear something?? When will those cruel soul who go happily home duting weekend will realize pain and torture that they put us through?

May His/Her (INS Officer) weekend be filled with fun so that they can approve my case next week.
Hello ,

If you are between these numbers......

EAC0205353503 to EAC0205354499.....

No approvals in this number ranges ( hardly 2 or 3 approvals ). almost 200 485 applications..
Someone sitting on it.

Have a nice weekend.
5351112, 5351144, 5351146, 5351154. 5351170, 5351174. 5351195 all approved. 5611131 was approved on oct 6. so not bad.