Hello, I am not sure if this is the right place for this post, but felt a bit lost looking at the many posting options. Anyways....I am an American citizen from birth, married now 8 years to a british man. We have lived here in the UK all this time, and now I need to relocate back to the states due to my Children need me to be there.My mother in law has dementia and I am not only her carer, but also her guardian...as is my husband. There are no other friends or relatives for mother in law to be with, we are literally all she has. She is not at the point in her illness where she needs an actual nurse, she just needs constant supervision to keep her safe, make sure she remembers to eat, drink ect, and keep her from wandering. She is self aware still, and enjoys the world around her still. I can't find which type visa could cover her to come to the USA, as my husband is not yet imagrated and it would be a complete relocation of all of us( Me, Husband, Mother in law) I being the home grown American of course. Please we need to move back to the states, My children are older, but one in particular is not well and needs me to be there for her. If anyone could point me in the right dirrection to getting my mother in law over based on she is our deppendent, but financially has her own pension, she mentally could not be left behind in UK and remain safe or well on her own, she has no one else but us.TY