Please do not see everything from a negative point. Do not trow around the assumptions that they will grant the illegals the citizenship right away and leave us alone. (I know that they want all the illegals to have the citizenship since they all can be a voting block.) Still we have a shot at something positive. Think that we can cook our rice at the times when the political heat is getting high. If we just discuss all the negatives then we will be no where.
Our current focus should be the amendments that are very critical for our benefits. From what i read on :
"The compromise bill builds on legislation approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee 12-8, with six Republicans voting and all Democrats approving the measure.
That measure absorbed a bill drafted by McCain and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., that called for allowing illegal immigrants to work toward becoming legal permanent residents. "
As we all know that McCain/Kennedy bill has lots of good things about our arguments. All we have to do is to push for those parts of the bill to be considered fully when they debate for the bill.
I hope that we all take this suggestion to the heart and try to be more positive. All our one-liner negative remarks will drain the moral of already frustrated people in our community. Please be positive when you post something thoguh i know that it is hard.
Jai Hind.
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